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Posts posted by king_saging

  1. i've always been attracted to (slightly) older ladies. being the youngest i've grown accustomed to perpetually dealing with older people. i find ladies my age a little immature, and those younger than me even more so. the only trouble is, there exists this common misgiving that "older men are better".

  2. Im planning to replace my CPU..gaming CPU ang kailangan ko..tingin nio ba makakakuwa nako ng magandang gaming CPU sa 15k budget ko? tsaka anung specs? TIA :)


    Hmmm. As far as i know, clocking speed, number of cores (architecture) at speed ng data transfer sa bus ports ang labanan sa cpu - which basically translates to better data handling and mutlitasking capabilities. Kung gaming specs ang kailangan, malaki rin ang papel ng videocard, hindi lang puro cpu. Ano ba videocard mo sir? My cousin owns a comp/gaming shop and he uses a combination of amd cpus and nvidia graphics.


    I'd better let the more computer-savvy people give you the specs and technicalities though. Cheers

  3. hi. sorry for being anal, but there are some fallacies here. for starters:


    1) the thread title - it assumes that ALL men inherently do this, as if it's an objective truth: that's fallacy dude. but of course if it's just the case with the wording and it holds a different abstracted definition (ie "hindi naman ganoon ang ibig sabihin"), then i won't be a grammar nazi. but that still doesn't make it correct.


    2) while i do understand it when people say, "ang babae, hindi sinasaktan kung hindi minamahal". of course i agree. we are all people, we are all civil, after all we take pride in being part of some civilization which inscribes laws supposedly for the benefit of the people. but why put women on a pedestal? for centuries women had been making waves in different areas and are calling for true equality. correct me if i'm wrong, but putting them on a pedestal doesn't mean equality. it's really like treating women either as pets or subordinates, you know, sort of like your dog whom you're only fond of as long as it's cute. i thought a woman is ideally supposed to be a man's partner? putting women on a pedestal creates a moral loophole which creates a system that justifies the misdeeds of women. and i think i'm not the only one to say that women can be just as nasty, if not more so, as men. in short, kung ang babae hindi sinasaktan, ang lalaki din hindi sinasaktan, o sa madaling salita, hindi ka naman dapat nananakit ng kahit sinong tao. unless necessary, of course. (however violence is the refuge of the weak din naman). but then again, it's the status quo that prevails - a combination of a false sense of chivalry and the damsel in distress complex seems to be rather addicting to most people that these cliches seem to be the foundation of the relationships some people form.


    i've met a lot of nasty girls in life, and i'm sure i'll be meeting more of them (sigh). i've never laid a hand on any woman, though there are those few times when i got real mad and almost lost control as there were some of them really wore my patience thin. don't be fooled - most women show violence not through physical means but through a passive-aggressive stance - emotional blackmail, reversal of blame, and deceit that would rival the skills as that of a con artist. i'm not saying that they are completely soulless; rather i'm saying they can be just as devilish as what this thread implicitly insinuates of men.


    but of course, don't get me wrong. i'm in no way advocating for violence against women. if anything i would probably advocate AGAINST violence against any sentient being, be it human or animal. or more importantly or aptly, i'd like to make a suggestion, i'd ask why do some people hurt other physically?


    either way, with what i said and with the context of this thread, it's all about POWER. i'll leave the thinking up to you, pagod na ako mag-type.


    PS it's a good idea for some guys and gals (especially gals) to know how to defend themselves. yes, i said all that s@%t above, but remember that a lot of idiots are violent when drunk or drug-addled.

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  4. yeah...whatever they say. personally i can't really say because i'm obviously not a woman. but as a guy, sex with love is a lot more fulfilling due to the chemistry and intimacy involved. plus, if it's a mutually monogamous relationship then there's this trust that affirms that everything up to that point is all about the two of you (not to mention zero risk of disease) so that the two of you don't just connect physically, but emotionally as well. oh and i'm a dude but i'm not afraid to admit that i like to cuddle afterwards with a girl i have feelings with; actually for me that's the best part of any sex. it makes me feel...secure. i'm no mommy's boy (may pagka-spartan ang nanay ko e haha. pero ako yung bunso) but it also reminds me of the times as a child when my mom held me in her arms 'til i dozed off. 'twas cozy. happy.gif


    ba't ba ang hahaba ng mga post ko.


    but anyway... women only have sex when they're in love? pshhhh. suuuuuuuure hehe.

  5. phsysically, the face - her eyes, her face shape, her teeth, her nose. then pag nakatalikod, legs and butt (to the point na kung minsan di ko namamalayang nakikita niya palang i'm checking out her ass pero so far most do not seem to mind).


    but as for what ATTRACTS me to a woman, that's a different story. for starters, ayoko sa jologs/bakya, mabaho (amoy yosi/langka), gusto ko may brains (but not the annoying pa-bibo type) and spine - yung kaya ako i-handle (apparently i'm "intimidating" and s@%t).

  6. Hello, question for the docs in the house preferably, if you please. I had an encounter with a girl two days ago, we had some frenching (not deep) and she blew me deep throat, bare, she also nibbled me lightly but there wasn't any wound. I also fingered her (no daty because she didn't smell so fresh) and she felt sufficiently wet (we didn't use artifical lube). When i checked my finger it was coated with her fluids and i noticed a fresh scrape on my skin next to my fingernail (i don't know what this area is called). It wasn't a cut per se, no trickling blood, but it was painful albeit small like the old skin is peeling off. We had sex but it was protected, no broken condoms and all that, and apart from the foreplay i mentioned, it was generally safe. Currently i'm experiencing postnasal drip and slight tonsil discomfort (though i've always had a history of post nasal drip since childhood). This girl has quite some sexual history, that's why i initially preferred having protected sex with her but i was caught in the heat of the moment thus the risky foreplay.


    My questions now are: 1) what are the chances that i caught something from her, including (heaven forbid) hiv? In other words, with your medical opinion/s, do i need to get tested? I know that i would have to wait to check any symptoms from after 2 weeks to a month, but i would like other opinions as well. Besides, i'd get myself tested anyway after 3 months.


    2) where can reliable test centers be located? I'm only generally concerned about the hiv risk (and for the record, i always play it safe - this is the riskiest encounter i've had so far). How much will the cost of testing be? And finally, do they respect the client's discretion?


    Thanks in advance!

  7. well may nakapagpost na rin. about karma, medyo malaking misconception yung notion ng mga Pilipino na "reap what you sow". While to some degree, this holds true (and sabi nga ni Raj sa The Big Bang Theory about Karma na "it's practically Newtonian, in the for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" basically "what goes around comes around") the concept of Karma actually transcends the current lifetime that one is living. It "accumulates" through reincarnations - you may either acquire good or bad karma depending on you actions from your previous lifetime.


    Reincarnation is a concept in Hinduism (though I don't know about Sikhism). Some folks may have actually confused this with REBIRTH ng Buddhism. May nakapag-explain na nga rin naman, and ang "goal" ay maging "skillful" enough to attain Nirvana.


    Following unsavory events from my life, and somehow gaining insight and epiphany about the cracks in the current system within which society works, I tried to seek refuge in the Buddha. (and of course the Dhamma and Sangha). Buddhism doesn't prescribe a certain proclivity for itself to consider a form of theistic following - indeed, some people (including Buddhists as well) see Buddhism more as a philosophy rather than as a religion, though this can go either way; worldwide Buddhism is recognized as a religion. That is why it's possible to follow a Buddhist framework without renouncing one's initiated religion. Or at least, that's how it was explained to me.


    I am far from being a "skillful" Buddhist. Time and time again I fall into the worldly pursuit of the desires of the flesh, gluttony, avarice, wrath. Obviously, I'm not a "very good" Catholic either in the simplest sense of the word. It really is difficult to take refuge in an almost non-existent Sangha, were the people I meet everyday do not see the world the way I do (manifesting in acting arrogant, "plastik", prejudiced, self-centered, even hedonistic) I am however not one to judge them. With Buddhism I tend to focus more on actions, about respect for sentient beings, for life, and to learn about discipline to minimize suffering.


    And this is deeply ingrained in my personal practice of Muay Thai - to discipline the mind and body rather that to use the art for violence. I know it sounds rather contradicting, but I do not inflict pain nor try to k*ll anyone with it (unless necessitated for self-defense). Within the bounds of training, I only hold respect for my opponents and Kru (trainer).


    Attachment - let go of "attachment". It basically means see yourself as one with everything.


    Purify the mind, do good.


    Sometimes, I wish it was that easy. Well, challenge accepted.


    Namo Amidabuddha.

  8. Hello psych major here. The way I see it depression seems to occur in a graded manner - that is, at times it will seem a lot worse and another time it doesn't seem to be there at all although the general feeling of "blueness" still hangs over your head. Personally I've experienced some worse episodes of a depressed state to the point of holding a gun against my head and wanting to pull the trigger. I had insomnia and lost 20 pounds.


    A quick way to resolve this would be ssris - prozac and stuff. I never used antidepressants, i just went on with life.


    Although i would also suggest getting professional help if anyone experiences depression. Depression is real and serious. Counseling and support from family and friends is highy recommended.

  9. Small music studio (5 guitars, 1 bass, amps, microphones, mixer plus speakers, electronic drums, keyboards, stands, guitar effects and cables) double size bed, AC, TV, computers, books, wardrobe, small ref (well technically nasa labas na siya but just outside lang)


    Oh and several chinese scrolls

  10. Madugas - yung tipong kung pwede bang maka isa e mang iisa talaga




    Work ethics ay mas focused sa personal monetary gain - although "hardworking" naman daw, puro na lang material goods ang hinahangad


    Mapagpanggap - mahilig sa titles, kunwari ganito o ganyan, mahilig idaan sa porma at puro yabang. Ke small time o big time maraming mapagpanggap. Mahilig sa uso. Kunwari hindi marunong mag-Filipino (pero pag nag-Ingles naman ang syntax ay nasa katutubong wika) e ni ako ngang nanirahan nang matagal sa ibang bansa dahil may pamilya kami doon (at bukod pa sa pagpapaaral sa akin sa isang eksklusbo at pribadong mga paaralan kung saan Ingles ang pag-uusap) ay nagsusumikap pa ring mag-filipino. Bukod pa sa mga mapagpanggap na "may ibang lahi" tapos magpaputi kahit na ang features ay katutubo pa rin (sino'ng niloko mo) at para bang ayaw mahalin ang sarili sa kung sino ba talaga sila. Ayoko din dun sa mga masyadong mahilig sa dayuhan, yung tipong bigot - kahit anong lahi may "pangit" at "maganda" rin. Ang baduy ng dating sa akin kapag ganito.


    Bureaucratic - kaakibat nito kaya inefficient ang mga agencies at laganap ang graft


    Mapulitika - sige idaan lahat sa padri padrino


    Kulang ang sense ng communitarianism - bilang isang bansa dapat magtulungan tayo para irespeto naman tayo ng mga kapitbahay natin kahit sa asya man lang.


    Kulang disiplina - sa pagkakalat, trapiko, kahit pila lang. Kalokohan ang batas at ang paraan ng pagpapatupad nito. Dagdag pa'y hindi nirerespeto ng mga mamayan ang batas, tinatrato bilang suhestyon lamang. Tapos kapag nireprimand ay may gana pang magalit ang may sala.


    Kulang ang foresight - laparan naman natin ang lawak ng pag-iisip, tingnan ang mga mas malalaki at ugat sa mga problema. Gayundin pahalagahan naman natin ang kasaysayan at edukasyon lalo pa kung pinaghirapan ito ng mga magulang natin.


    Machismo - pakana ng mga putragis na kastila


    Crab mentality, ningas cogon, manana - talaga bang mga likas na ugali ng mga Pilipino ito? Hindi ba nakakapagtaka na hindi galing sa katutubong salita ang mga ito bagkus ay mga banyagang kataga? Hindi kaya sila rin naman ang nagturo ng mga ito sa mga Pilipino? At ang ugaling "bahala na" ay maling ipinarating bilang "fatalism" kung saan naghihintay na lamang ang tao ng babagsak na prutas imbis na gumawa ng paraan para kunin ito. Ito ay nagpapakita na sa kabila ng mga effort ng isang indibidwal ay may mga bagay na wala pa rin sa kaniyang kontrol na maaaring mangyari, samakatuwid ay "bahala na". Kung tutuusin ay sa isang banda nagpapahayag rin ito ng lakas ng loob.


    Punto ko lamang wag tayong magpapadala sa paghusga ng mga dayuhan sa ating mga sarili. Pag-aralan natin ang mga sarili at tayo rin lamang ang makakapagpabago sa mga hindi kagandahang asal.

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