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ReD sTaLLioN

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Posts posted by ReD sTaLLioN

  1. As for me, im into MLM. im a professional networker connected with Forever Living Products,Int'l. I am doing it globally. i have a network in U.S, Canada, Hongkong, Japan, Singapore aside from my local network,Philippines.


    Many people have misconception about it, they thought networking and pyramiding are the same thing. Though they have the same concept at first which is they try to invite people in their network, the difference starts on how they earn their income. In networking, you earn because there is real product movement while an illegal pyramiding earns from the investment of the people who are joining (some of these companies try to use products just to make them look/appear legal).


    If you will really open your mind and accept changes in trade, you'll be surprised to know that "networking" is the greatest opportunity in the history of capitalism..because it gives hope to ordinary people in changing their lives. But i dont want to give you false hopes also...i'm sure you met a lot of people who failed in this business...but i want you to understand that networking is, in itself a business...and same with any other traditional businesses, only those who are hardworking,determined,patient and positive people will be the one to succeed in this field.


    and its not who's first...i met one guy, he's only 24y/o....he's been invited 5 times..and he said NO 5 times also... but on the 6th time that he was invited, he listened already. He used to work in BPI as an Asst Manager when he first try Forever..after one year of doing it on the side( which means after work only 7pm onwards) he earned a total of o P1M..no kidding! and that was just last year. Bottomline, there's no "kung sino ang nauna"....


    But i'm telling you the rewards are awesome and rewarding. Honestly, its not just about money...its about creating your Life.


    If you really want to know the true meaning of networking..


    i will be delighted to help you understand it.



    sent u a PM. :)

  2. to those who are into MLM.. how are y'all doin? Me, im also into MLM (FLP to be specific).. no success yet though, because im still busy with my real work.. but i still plan to continue the MLM thing in the near future.. to those successful MLM'ers here, can you give me some helpful tips.. also im planning to start a small business maybe next year.. which do you peeps think is better, a pc shop (networking games) or a food type business? thanks. :)


    :cool: :mtc:

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