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kinky moondog

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Posts posted by kinky moondog

  1. Another Classic Filipino Film I enjoyed much when I was younger was the original Panday starring movie king FPJ.


    Call me old fashioned but the recent remakes are just sh!t compared to this one. The original was dark, it had that gothic feel to it, campy at times, but not difficult to take seriously though the effects are dated. Most of all, the titular character was given justice by the most charismatic Filipino actor of all time. It had that whole inapi-dapat-maghiganti theme as this is always a recipe to entice Filipino movie goers. The sword scenes are not that bad. Actually it kinda looks cool. When you strip down all that CGI nonsense, you basically have a very cool sword fight in the desert against FPJ and a couple of Filipino ninjas in salakot. Now that's bad ass! Plus one thing the original had was awesome cinematography. The new one relied too much on cheap CGI.


    The Peque Gallaga remake/spiritual sequel was actually decent and imaginative but only because it understood the essence of the orginal


    Those that we see now in MMFF is just absolute crap. Unoriginal, pointlessly loaded with CGI, campy as as hell, and even featured plagiarized scenes and gimmic from clash of the titans. I understand that its supposed to be aimed at kids but if you are a fan of the original, or has a high standard for a movie goer, you'd be disappointed


    If the original proves anything, its that no one can ever be panday than FPJ. Always imitated never duplicated. Just as only Stallone can be Rambo or Rocky


    Essential FPJ (up there with "Aguila"). FPJ directed it too, which makes him ultra-cool. A lot of people don't know this side of him. And oh yeah - he can wield the sword. See also "Ang Maestro" for some cool sword fights (which FPJ also directed).


    Thanks to this post. I just read that it has been remastered and digitally restored. Time to look for a copy. :)


    Hehehee, di na nga nakakatakot yung ganung genre. Entertaining for comedy purposes. You root for the killer kasi naiinis ka sa mga victims.


    This movie I was talking about is actually a very dark drama. I labeled it as horror, because there is actually that eerie feel to it, and every scene becomes more tensed and tensed hangang sa ending. You genuinely get scared about what fate awaits for the protagonists. Hanep din ang acting dito, talagang di matatawaran. See its the idea that this s@%t could happen in real life is what makes it so scary. You can actually be in this kind of situation when your girlfriend introduces you to his domineering father. And not to mention psychotic too. He is the father in law from hell.


    In typical hollywood fashion, psychos are portrayed way too exagerated to the point na nagiging cartoonish na. In this movie, its kept at a very realistic presentation. He can function rationally but you know he is just so f#&ked up in the head. Ill be praying that I never meet a father in law like that.


    I don't wanna spoil the movie too much for guys who haven't seen it, but its one of the best Filipino movies out there that stands the test of time. Every time you revisit it, you will always find something insightful in it. With one line a character says, you'd be like "oh hey! Anong ibig mong sabihin dun?".


    Anyway I said too much about the film. Its a pitty that none of the movies we make nowadays can be considered as a classic. They are entertaining at times, but its unoriginal and rehashed s@%t. Word has it, this director was disillusioned on the industry so he quit film making. Sayang, napakatalented pa naman na story teller ito.



    Nice post. Probably my favorite Mike De Leon flick. Vic Silayan -- damn. What an actor!


    Hope we get a remastered DVD with director/cast commentary and all that goodies.

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