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Posts posted by logpond

  1. someone on manny's financial advisers here told me that manny has P900 million. and this is minus the trust funds he has already set-up for his family. this also doesn't include the money he has in the us because i think he has a different firm handling his finances there.

  2. we ate chicken rice inside a mall there which i thought was the best. bitin lang ako dahil i had to take care of my son and wasn't able to finish the leftovers. :D on our second trip, we ate at a chicken place beside raffles hotel. i think it's where the locals go to because it was so ordinary looking. the food was just as great and cheaper pa. problem was the waitress doesn't know how to speak english. i guess that's why they had pictures in their menu. look for it, it's the only chicken place right beside the hotel...

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