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Status Updates posted by slutitabettina

  1. There are not enough hours in the day for me to adequately express my angst at how there are not enough hours in the day.

  2. hoho! i know this is waaaay too late but thank you for teh birthday greeting. xoxo with aratilis on top of course <3

  3. 'm sorry, my data-transfer ports are not compatible with your little-endian file system.

    1. Enel


      well then, could you give me the specs of the file system that you want? i might do something about that. hello there. just wondering around :)

  4. lol all good. chestbump! im just being the silly and random girl that I am. ;)

  5. I'm not even surprised I found myself here in your profile, now that I feel shitty about something. Throwback 2011. with that I mean HI and I hope yer good bbkeyks. :D xo

  6. chestbump! LOL behave? ako? always. xox with aratilis on top! <3

  7. I knew there was something not right about you. It's one reason I like you so much. LOL

    1. iamyourockstar


      So you like things/people that are not common? Like me? LOL just kidding. have a good day! :)

    2. tororista


      If you set aside everything right, then I'm what's left.. ;)

    3. ganjaman318


      very interesting....

  8. If I was your coworker, I'd sexually harass you. LOL

  9. hai sexeh cupcake! :D

  10. Hello Vodka, Goodbye Dignity

    1. number1fan


      mukhang wasakan yan a :P

    2. Droidz1979


      will be waiting for the updates in youtube then =)

  11. No woman will ever be truly satisfied on Valentines day because no man will ever have a chocolate penis that ejaculates money. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. slutitabettina


      anong Valentines?! lol I was working, thats all. intregero! :P

    3. number1fan


      all work and no play? :P

    4. slutitabettina
  12. Love makes the world go round? Not at all. Whiskey makes it go round twice as fast

    1. number1fan


      gin makes it go round thrice as fast :P pwede din grand ma :P

  13. Smart has the brains, but stupid has the balls

    1. number1fan


      which one do you prefer?

    2. Sledgie


      i agree indeed! How about the average ones? :)

    3. tororista


      i'm with stupid.. :D

  14. You are what they say you are

  15. No one believes you are harmless. and yes I was not surprised with that other crush of yours. I wouldnt be surprised if...HAHA

  16. Don't hate the playa, hate the game. Always.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JayZip


      ooh playa vs. baller...

    3. slutitabettina


      Hahaha ewan ko sa inyong dalawa

    4. tororista


      change the game, make the rules.. ;)

  17. ARE YOU f#&king KIDDING ME with the "who is your mtc crush?" post?! LOL leave me alone! mind yer on wall. There is a Resty hiding somewhere. haha

  18. Lol i was gonna say that, but since you are an engineer then no thank you. Manwhore. Leave me alone. Meh. Lol

  19. Why be happy when you could be normal?

  20. I just love nonverbal communication

  21. My heart is a hysterical unreliable organ.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. slutitabettina
    3. number1fan


      happy long weekend!

    4. slutitabettina


      only the long weekend doesn't apply to where I am now. but thank you. :P

  22. pssst ka din. miss mo lang ako weh. LOL

  23. when do you get to a point where enough is enough?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iamyourockstar


      well trust me i wont back down on ya. doesnt matter that you have a gay boyfriend. lol for you i wont get to that point

    3. number1fan


      ano na nga pangalan ng pelikulang yun?

    4. slutitabettina
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