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obama bin laden

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Posts posted by obama bin laden

  1. here's the scenario- an ex suddenly sent a pm to me on one of the social networking sites, we are now both married with kids, live on opposite ends of the country, apparently her marriage is not doing so well, her hubby has an ex wife and 2 kids with the ex, her inlaws still favor the hubby's ex wife, the hubby is a good for nothing older guy(her senior by 16 years) my ex got married to this guy in a knee jerk reaction, coz we broke up, then few months later she met this guy, dated for a month then got married, now she regrets it, she contacted me so that she says " i just want to have someone to talk to", they are in the brink of divorcing and my manyak sense is tingling, on the other hand i have a good and stable marriage and that is what i live for. should i continue communicating with my ex or just ignore her or try to be a friend with out benefits?

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