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Status Updates posted by idecris

  1. 'bobong' seems interesting. thanks for the tip. could use the comic relief. :) hope to pick your brain sometime. over coffee, perhaps. although, i don't really do coffee... but for you i'll make an exception haha =)

  2. am starting to like this MTC thing...

    1. damnhot2128


      welcome to MTC then =) enjoy! and cheers =)

  3. can't stop window shopping...

  4. ever heard of the book "The Four Agreements"? check out the third agreement and see how it applies here? :) nice to meet a girl who reads =)

  5. I'm not interested in what I'm into. I'm interested in what you're into. That way I get to know you...in a way :) Besides, my interests are ultra broad...

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