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Posts posted by michael_dmesa

  1. greetings, GM-doctor-masters of MTC.


    my question has to do with circumcision.

    i went through another thread but its focus was the necessity of the procedure.

    my query is a bit more technical.




    i just had my son circumcised. he's 13 years old and the doctor who performed it

    is a pathologist acquaintance of mine. it was only after the operation that he explained

    the details.


    he said he did a dorsal slit, which is what they did during their medical missions.

    i did some research on Wikipedia and found that it made the shaft quite unsightly

    even when erect due to the 'lambi.'




    my question is: once my boy has healed, can i have the operation re-done

    as a 'german cut?'


    tia! http://lh6.ggpht.com/_3Lud_9_uocs/TKe7M_EH6II/AAAAAAAAByw/0-rbh2RzzX4/thinkingKucco.gif


    Yep. You sure can, but why? Dorsal slit is just fine as stated by Dr. Tolentino. Look it it from your son's point of view, is it worth the additional anxiety of minor surgery (major to kids!) when there's no real perceived advantage except aesthetically?

  2. if only i can take pics of breast cancer patients, who started in early stages of cancer, went to alternative medicine, and now have cancers bigger than the original breasts --- with ulcerating, bleeding, foul-smelling wounds..........im sure you would all get my point.


    we're not talking of cough and colds here. It's cancer.






    I totally agree. I deal with a lot of sarcoma patients who more often than not go to a traditional practitioner or "hilot" and have that mass or ache massaged or manipulated despite a diagnosis, only to have it's size double within weeks and metastasize elsewhere. There's an unfortunate prevalent cultural component in our mindset that despite sound medical advice, we insist on the unproven. I don't know, it's extremely frustrating.

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