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Status Replies posted by world

  1. ,,,,is back to give more....

    1. world


      hi good morning. i have been trying to send you a pm but cant get thru your pm box as it seems full. i sure hope you could send me your ym as i really hope to chat with you. or at least pm me pls so i can communicate with you. im J, i work in a hospital but is presently out of the country. hope to get a message from you

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. ,,,,is back to give more....

    1. world


      hi good morning. i have been trying to send you a pm for the longest time but your pm box is just too full. hope i can get a pm from you as to your ym and cell number as i wish to get in touch with you. thanks and have a nice day

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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