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Posts posted by metromale

  1. Small as it may seem, I share my blessings, may it be time or otherwise, whatever it is that I can give, with a community taking care of abandoned kids and an orphanage.




    What color (clothes) looks best on you?





    What a noble act. I actually read that and tried to emulate and in fact have done so myself after reading your pits before.


    I would say I look best in white shirts and dark pants with leather shoes


    What's your favorite type of food / restaurant ?

  2. Never a turn off. In fact it's a plus factor as I would have a tendency to think that you're a good girl........ Of course being a good girl does not involve just drinking or not but somehow it would just give me that impression


    So go ahead don't think of what people would think about you and be proud of yourself

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