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Posts posted by ataritecra

  1. trainers should be chosen based on track record, expertise AND what your goals are...


    there is no 1 formula for getting the correct trainer for you.... pero shempre kelangan yung taong papakinggan mo...


    as your needs increase, mag iiba rin yung needs mo from your trainer so you may shift or upgrade... it really all depends..


    back in the day you would see 1 guy doing EVERYTHING for you... endurance, muscle, etc etc etc... sad thing is that this type of training is passe and you will usually end up injuring yourself or harming yourself long term... so talagang my trend ngayon na strength coach, skills coach, endurance coach, nuttitionist... iba nga may psych pa to get yourself self motivated... pero thats up there na...


    one of the things that has worked for me so far was to talk to the clients themselves... find someone na katulad mo in terms of body type, attitude, etc... then find out sino trainer niya... if its working.. etc... then yun.


    with regard to paying the trainer, the smart way of doing it is to really pay attention to what the trainer lets you do... and pay attention to the details, ask questions, etc... so that you UNDERSTAND why he makes you do the reps, etc... ASK QUESTIONS AND DEMAND ANSWERS... kung di ka niya sinasagot, change him.

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