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Status Updates posted by erika123

  1. Bloom is dropping fast. Heard foreign brokers are selling it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. erika123


      ok naman. the market is tricky these days. Its so high which makes it all harder to pick which stocks to buy.

    3. vincent85


      I hope this trend would last..

    4. erika123
  2. Raining so hard. I can't get out of the house for fear that my house will get flooded. I need to buy an alternative place. House or condo?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bitoy58


      Not really because you have SLEX. That is if you have a car. A house and lot in Manila will cost you more. Binan or Sta Rosa is just my personal choice. Hehehehe

    3. erika123


      I like QC area. Lots of trees and space. I don't like Pasig because of pollution and traffic.

    4. bitoy58


      Yeah meron naman. Pero from what I've heard most developments are near Farview na.

  3. I can't sleep. I desperately need sleeping pills.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. erika123


      i once tried reading the Bible to go to sleep. I finished the whole book of Genesis, plus the Exodus , which proved to be too exciting for me to put it down. So in the end, I slept at 5am.

    3. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Whoa.....naexcite ka pa sa Genesis and Exodus? Try reading the New Testament.....

    4. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Whoa.....naexcite ka pa sa Genesis and Exodus? Try reading the New Testament.....

  4. Visited my old ancestral home in Ongpin. Missed living in a place where everything is accessible by foot. I had lunch at Quick Snack and walked to WanKee to get their egg pie. Can't believe Im patronizing these stores since I was 9 years old.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. erika123


      Hi Bitoy, I would really recommend you to go to Quick Snack and order Sate Beef Bihon Guisado (if you can take a bit of spice), Fried Special Lumpia, Oyster cake, with Iced Coffee Jelly. Yum! Their Ngo-hiong is also nice. The fried chicken of Sincerity is also popular. They are all accessible by foot from Yuchengco St. (Nueva).

    3. erika123


      John Doe, Im so sorry but I am not fond of pork. So I don't eat siomai at all. I'm very sensitive to pork fat that a small amount of it can make me throw up.

    4. bitoy58


      Big THANK YOU! Halatang matakaw ako

  5. Im so sick and I'm such a bad patient. Raining hard, it would be great to rest tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. erika123


      No, still working.

    3. Gambler_m


      so it wasnt a great day after all :) I hope all is well now

    4. erika123


      I'm good now. Just bought that ambroxol muscolvan at mercury drug. Worked wonders!

  6. Im still sick. Head so heavy. Wish I can stay home all day.

    1. peterdgreat


      i think you shd follow your instinct and what your body is telling you and stay home, get recharge, forget all others. first things first. health first and savor life and its perks. nothing's great when a body part aches....

    2. Droidz1979


      go easy, something a lil rest could go a long way.. as the saying goes, you don't live to work rather you work to live ;o)

    3. erika123


      If this persists for the next few days, I think I will go to a doctor na, and take that dreadful antibiotic. Aarghh! I try to avoid that as much as possible.

  7. I need to save money to buy a house. So instead of my usual ala carte order, I'm ordering the special for the day. It comes with soup or salad. This should just be fine. And if Ii am not filled up, I will just ask for another basket of complimentary bread. Times are hard indeed.

    1. erika123


      I need to go back on the dating scene, if only for the free food I get, while men device ways to get inside my pants.

    2. chocoman98


      hahaha..!!!! men will always be men.. i like the way you think.

    3. charlie_360


      :)) or don't eat instead :) ... saves you the moolah and calories ... works for me :)
  8. Inspector from BoC coming today. Nervous as hell. More nervous than when I was preparing for my prom date.

    1. erika123


      But of course, he didn't come.

    2. erika123


      And he didn't come again.

    3. erika123


      He came!!! After getting nervous, he just said "Pa-picture naman with you." And since im inches taller than him he said "pwede ka bang umupo sa picture." Ngyek! Comical talaga!

  9. To go or not to go to baler Tom. I'm so confused.

    1. steadyelmo
    2. Gambler_m


      hmmm...why would it be so confusing to go to baler?

    3. Copperhouse


      So, did u? Been planning to see Baler...pls let me know how u found it, if worth the trip. Tnx!

  10. Hello Everyone, I just opened my own room today. Hope you get to visit it. Drop a note if you can. Thanks.

    1. Copperhouse


      can you pls advise your YM handle?

    2. Climaco


      nice blog you got as well...

  11. I'm sad.

    1. number1fan
    2. erika123


      Im not sad anymore. :-)

  12. I can't stand no electricity at home. :-(

    1. Droidz1979


      looking at the bright side I guess you pay less for your electric bills for it :P

    2. erika123


      I need my electricity. Willing to pay double for electricity at night. I need my aircon to sleep. And sleep is a luxury for oldies like me.

  13. I went for grocery yesterday and I chanced upon Michelle Madrigal. Such a sexy gal!

    1. Chito


      Sana nagpa-picture ka. ;)

    2. erika123


      Di ko kasi alam na artista sya. I just noticed people staring at her, so I asked the counter girl. I think I also see her around Azkal games when I used to watch it live. She would wear short shorts and a jersey. Tapos , pa-picture sya from the back na naka-potrude yung pwet nya. Such a sexy pose!

  14. I received an invitation to watch Phantom of the Opera with a long time friend. I don't have the heart to say that I have watched it in London and New York so many times na that I lost count. I think I can actually sing the whole thing already. I just can't refuse such a sweet harmless fellow. But I'll smack his head if he puts me in the balcony.

    1. johndoe2-1
    2. erika123


      Yeah, a night of music would be a great way to end the day. I just don't like these overpriced musicales, especially if someone else is paying for it. Dyahe rin eh.

  15. Im so addicted to blueberry pancakes. I just ordered it again for my lunch.

    1. steadyelmo
    2. erika123


      Pancake house. 202 pesos for 3 pcs ng blueberry pancake. Sarap talaga!

  16. I lack sleep! I hate days when I lack sleep. Arrgh!

    1. Arman Red

      Arman Red

      I have permanent insomnia and understand what you feel. Writing help through the lonely nights, or reading.

    2. erika123


      That's what started me in mtc. All those lonely nights when you look at your family in envy because they are sleeping and you can't.

  17. I'm tired.

    1. jmt


      hi there erika have a goodnight sleep =)

    2. erika123
  18. No electricity!!! Super cold shower!!!!

    1. MTB123


      pakulo ng tubig tru old fashion kalan

    2. MTB123


      old fashioned*

  19. Raining so hard again.... Water in creek is leveling up. I may need to evacuate if the rain gets worse. Oh what a headache!

  20. Can't believe I'm getting flooded again! Geez, bad trip talaga!

    1. bitoy58


      Time to look for a different place to live.

  21. I'm in a seminar right now with a very boring Thai speaker. Only good thing is the free flow of food here at Edda Shang hotel. Three more hours to go. Drat

    1. John U

      John U

      Great Movie, but im sad when the wrecked the aston martin DBS

  22. Skyfall is awesome!

    1. male_spud


      i agree! classic james bond action!

  23. I finally got myself a lawyer. :-)

  24. Century Properties: an opportunity to Buy today? Top up placement of 800 mil shares at 2.05 a piece.

  25. It's 12nn. I'm hungry.

    1. erika123


      I wanna eat a good salad. Mamou's or Zuni's.

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