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Posts posted by muson

  1. Well if you go to gym its the same thing, people have poor form, you watch people play basketball and they still have poor form, same for cycling and swimming, etc. That is brought about by ignorance, and people should be made aware of the importance of form in all sports.


    That doesn't exuse poor form, or will spare you from injuries due to poor form.


    Yeah, true strength training is important, especially if your going competitive, all competitive sports incorporate strength training in their routine. Strength is important for more then just competions.


    With regards to high levels of fitness, you can't just do one sport or exercise and expect it to work miracles. The ideal is still, one cardio routine and one strength training routine, although you can do cardio with strength training by doing circuit training, iba pa rin when you have an exclusive cardio routine and exclusive strength training routine in your regimen. Besides it breaks the monotony of doing only one thing in your exercise regimen.


    I agree here. Variety is a key factor. Kettlebells offer tons of variety:) . I feel like going for a run now:)
  2. That's why you ease people into running or any sport for that matter. You don't run to race, you don't run at a race pace, you run at a pace comfortable for you. Even jog - walk is part of easing a newbie runner into the sport. All exercises takes some form of getting used to. Kaya nga may adaptation ka.


    When running for cardio its the duration that you mainly have to consider not your speed.


    Even if you go to first world countries where all kinds of gimmicks in exercise come from, running is still the top cardio exercise, besides have you seen the number of participants in road races these days as well as the number of people running for fitness? There has been a boom in running. It is a fundamental, proven, solid exercise that no one can put down.


    Oh and btw, I am not a runner... Swimmer ako, baka isipin nyo biased ako.


    I agree with most of what you said. And i love to run myself. However majority of people you see at those races have poor posture. People would run better and have more fun doing it if they would add some kind of strength training in their routine. Running is always in the same direction. People might also wanna consider running the reverse way of the track. Running is an art. Everybody can run. But how do they run is the question. Guess the same applies with Kettlebells nowadays:)

  3. There is no best cardio exercise. The best cardio exercise is one that works specifically for you, one that you find comfortable to do and one that you can keep on doing at least 3 times a week consistently. It is not just about raising heart rate, but raising heart rate for a certain duration until you get into the aerobic threshold. The average would be around 30 to 60 minutes. Discipline and consistency is the key word here, no exercise program will work without those two.


    In terms of practicability, running is the best. You can run almost anywhere, anytime,it is easier to learn, you'll never run out of company for the run and the equipment is cheap compared to other activities.


    For those considering cardio stick to the basics and you'll do just fine.




    Problem with running is that people are often out of shape and express terrible posture once they deicde to better their "cardio". Running is not as user friendly as we may think. You might be able to run anywhere. But for how long is the question.

  4. I've done pullovers and floor presses with kettlebells, but I still prefer dumbbells for those exercises...


    shoulder presses I definitely prefer kettlebells...


    question/s answered?


    Pullovers are more of a abdominal/core exercise in my opinion. That's so with kettlebells at least.


    shoulder presses I definitely prefer kettlebells...


    Indeed! When you do a so called shoulder press with a kettlebell ( regular press when done with a kettlebell ) it's the whole body that's working, especialy the torso due to the displaced center of mass of a kettlebell which will result in the body needing to recruit way more stabilisator muscles then if performed with a dumbell ( even a heavier dumbell ).


    Therefore i still believe that kettlebell training can not be substituted with dumbells! ( it's like substituting toyo with patis ) And why would we still call it kettlebell training anyway then:) If you have no acces to kettlebells and you wanna get in a better shape , then yes of course you can use dumbells. But you will never get the same results then which you will get with kettlebells. Then again, if you have no access to kettlebell or dumbells. Bodyweight will be just fine then. And yes if you wanna attain maximal strength nothing beats barbells. But i tell you with kettlebells you can produce some pretty impressive strength. And with way less chance of injury! Barbells it will take a lot of learning, and spotting of a good coach ( which are rare ). Or they have the knowledge but the personality sucks, Or they have the personality, but not the knowledge. Then i'd rather go a play a game of basketball or socker with friends to get in a little better shape.


    And you might develop some similar attributes when training with either dumbells or kettlebells, but those are only some. And with kettlebells you will attain those way faster, and attain way more functional attributes! You all have to give it a shot. Don't take my word for it, let the kettlebell do the talking for itself!


    Again my opinion. Hope some more will share their experiences with kettlebells. Remember i'm not saying that kettlebells are the only tool to use. But it is a GREAT tool (if not the best ) to have at home!


    Sorry guys. Seem to have quoted myself in the previous post.

  5. I've done pullovers and floor presses with kettlebells, but I still prefer dumbbells for those exercises...


    Pullovers are more of a abdominal/core exercise in my opinion. That's so with kettlebells at least.


    shoulder presses I definitely prefer kettlebells...


    Indeed! When you do a so called shoulder press with a kettlebell ( regular press when done with a kettlebell ) it's the whole body that's working, especialy the torso due to the displaced center of mass of a kettlebell which will result in the body needing to recruit way more stabilisator muscles then if performed with a dumbell ( even a heavier dumbell ).


    Therefore i still believe that kettlebell training can not be substituted with dumbells! ( it's like substituting toyo with patis ) And why would we still call it kettlebell training anyway then:) If you have no acces to kettlebells and you wanna get in a better shape , then yes of course you can use dumbells. But you will never get the same results then which you will get with kettlebells. Then again, if you have no access to kettlebell or dumbells. Bodyweight will be just fine then. And yes if you wanna attain maximal strength nothing beats barbells. But i tell you with kettlebells you can produce some pretty impressive strength. And with way less chance of injury! Barbells it will take a lot of learning, and spotting of a good coach ( which are rare ). Or they have the knowledge but the personality sucks, Or they have the personality, but not the knowledge. Then i'd rather go a play a game of basketball or socker with friends to get in a little better shape.


    And you might develop some similar attributes when training with either dumbells or kettlebells, but those are only some. And with kettlebells you will attain those way faster, and attain way more functional attributes! You all have to give it a shot. Don't take my word for it, let the kettlebell do the talking for itself!


    Again my opinion. Hope some more will share their experiences with kettlebells. Remember i'm not saying that kettlebells are the only tool to use. But it is a GREAT tool (if not the best ) to have at home!

    question/s answered?


    Many questions have been indeed. Thank you for the detailed info and allowing me to add some on top of that!

  6. Having a different center of gravity, many exercises that are done with kettlebells make them harder than their dumbbell version.


    However, for some exercises such as chest press variants, dumbbells are a better choice... this is my personal preference




    1. A single kettlebell can do several exercises which already work your full body.... though you can also do this with a dumbbell, the effect isn't the same... refer to my post above...


    2. for exercises like curls, chest presses, tricep extensions, dumbbells are a better tool... again my personal opinion


    3. you want a home gym and have limited space, budget... this is where a kettlebell has an advantage over the dumbbell... I have full access to a gym yet I have a 16kg kettlebell in my home for times that I know I won't be able to workout in my gym.


    4. if you want "functional training" exercises like windmills and turkish getups done with a kettlebell are good choices since they make you focus so much on balance and stability...


    5. fatloss? conditioning? both tools are good.. though doing many of the exercises with a kettlebell for timed sets is a very challenging workout


    take home points... both have their uses... though I will always prefer a barbell if I wanna develop my maximal strength...


    explosive strength.. barbells and kettlebells...


    vanity purposes... dumbbells and barbells... kettlebell work for abs


    Will add to this soon. Still at work:)


    Next time let's do some chest press variants with kettlebells:)

  7. YOU have your opinion, I have mine... and based on what I've seen and done, kettlebell work is a good tool (not the best) to have... dumbbells also have their place as do kettlebells and barbells



    You are entirely right. You have your opinion, and i have mine. Your re entirely right also when you say that barbells, dumbells have their place in a sound program. But the first question raised here was if dumbells can subsitute kettlebells. And i dont think they can due to the difference in shape. You can however do similar exercises ( not all ) but even then, they will not have the same intensity as with kettlebells. The question i asked was if they develop similar attributes. Again i could agree that yes ( not a big yes ) they will develop similar attributes untill a certain level. Kettlebells in my opinion develops way more attributes then dumbells, and in a way shorter time spam.


    Could you please go a little bit more in detail about the similar attributes they develop?


    Ps I appreciate your straight forwardness!:)


    Looking forward to learn more from you and others.

  8. Hi all! I would like to share with you a strength and conditioning tool that I've been training with for a while now Its called a kettlebell.

    Kettlebell Lifting very closely mimic the types of explosive full-body motion and whole body integration involved in executing effective strikes, kicks & throws.


    Check out Philippine kettlebell club on facebook they are regulary holding free intro sessions to kettlebell lifting.

  9. Kettlebells also challenge the core tremendously due to it's continuously shifting of weight while doing balistic hips flexors, and hamstrings are also highly active in demand when swinging that weight around!


    While doing balistic lifts i meant in the above. Sorry for that.

  10. Instead of a barbell, I use DB's with unequal weights in lifting/pressing. . . i.e. the core muscles gets strengthened to keep balance . . . B)


    Kettlebells also challenge the core tremendously due to it's continuously shifting of weight while doing balistic hips flexors, and hamstrings are also highly active in demand when swinging that weight around!

  11. This maybe Off Topic, but would anyone here be interested in purchasing Pro Grade Kettlebells? I'm doing a survey. I might just get some and people might want to tag along. Send me a PM if interested. Thanks! :thumbsupsmiley:



    Check out ebay.ph. They are offering pro grade kettlebells.

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