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    Travel. Literature. Culture.

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  1. According to CNN, Manila is the go-to city in Asia if you wanna see PRIDE in action. Turns out that Filipino MEN are the VAINEST in Asia, with 48% claiming that they are SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE. Are you really?????

    1. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      i didn't know whether to laugh or to cringe when i read the CNNGo article. I'm sure we men are vain, but not that vain! :D I betcha 90% of those 48% are delusional, haha

    2. chantal777


      TRUE! I know the Koreans and the Japs are far ahead of Filipino men when it comes to grooming and fashion. So, I don't really think our men are that vain. But, maybe the Koreans and the Japs, WHEN ASKED, don't say they are sexually attractive. Baka mahilig lang talaga tayo magbuhat ng sariling bangko! :D

    3. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      true, true, i think in those cultures, they try not to stand out too much, whereas us Pinoys are sometimes full of hot air, pero can't back it up. :D sad sad sad :D LOL

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