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Status Replies posted by romantico4458

  1. naturally, im a beautiful princess created by papaGod.. and i must say, im proud of it. :)

    1. romantico4458


      cempre naman ur a princess wid a heart. be proud of it d ba? u can make others to be hapi friendly ka kc. huwag tututol ....add mo ako sa YM mo chat tau pwde...


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. naturally, im a beautiful princess created by papaGod.. and i must say, im proud of it. :)

    1. romantico4458


      cempre naman ur a princess wid a heart. be proud of it d ba? u can make others to be hapi friendly ka kc. huwag tututol ....add mo ako sa YM mo chat tau pwde...


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. things come and go, especially for the ones not meant to stay FOREVER. nad one must learn to accept reality in order to lessen the point of damage in one's own life. :(

    1. romantico4458


      u are a survivor.. you can make it for good . d ba ?

      stay sweet and make ur life happy. someday u wil meet ur wishable guy for u only. pwde ba tau maging prends?

      add me if u lyk. tnx..

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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