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Posts posted by do.ob

  1. ser sid.. hehe.. dai ako bicolano.. tumira lang kami dun mula nung nagkaisip ako hanggang 4th grade.. tapos two years ago, i got reconciled to my daet roots... siguro pwede na rin akong tawaging bicolano sa buto. ;)


    jam kayo sa summer sa daet sa surfing festival.


    happy vday din.. kung ala kayo matripan mamaya, daan kayo dito sa 42 Degrees South. sa may southwoods exit at splash island... provide namin place.. dala kayo booze niyo hehehe... basta trip place ito... bagay na bagay sa pisceans, leo, taurus, scorpio, virgo, saggi, libra, basta dami na nakapunta dito pati buong crew ng jollibee pacita... :)) meron na ring celebrities.. tulad nyo! :)) hehhee....


    2 bedrooms, isang terrace, at isang arts trip room. interested, message me and ill send photo of the room.



    We would like to invite everyone to take part in this event planned this summer (april 2005). We are inviting all

    surfers and surf enthusiasts who read here or have friends who read posts here. Please, if you have friendster, mailing

    lists, forums, YMs, etc etc... do pass this around.


    EVENT TITLE: Bagasbas National Surfing Festival 2005

    DESCRIPTION: It is -- Woodstock, UP Fair, GYPSY CAMP, HIPPIE REVIVAL, CARNIVALE, CIRCUS -- all-in-one major

    earthquake... It aims to unite all businessmen, artists, musicians, craftsmen in all of camarines norte to be friends

    and jam.

    LOCATION: Bagasbas Beach, Daet, Camarines Norte, Philippines


    disclaimer: all things mentioned here are plans. we are now starting to look for sponsors coz we cant do it without you.







    A town wide parade of all supporters, surfers and participants. Each surfer will carry a surfboard and will be riding

    motorbikes courtesy of the local motor organizations such as xtreme and two liners. This parade will also be composed of

    parade bands, representatives of different organizations, mobiles and NGOs



    Welcoming of guest and participants launching of the 1st BANTAYOG Festival and official start of the bagasbas national

    surfing festival 2005, spiced up by a cultural heritage presentation of the province of Camarines Norte.



    1st official padding out of all surf competitors

    All the competitors are lined up along the shore, as soon as the officials representative fires the signal horn or

    fireworks, all the competitors will start paddling out the lined-up. This will happen while the background music [iisang

    banka / noypi] is playing soon as the surfers are in the lined-up, all of them will catch one wave

    back to the shore except for the ones who will compete for the first heat. This will signify the starts of the heats.

    This concept are showing the force of pinoy surfers.


    CLOSING EVENT OF THE DAY: Surf Aerial Competition

    This contest is open to all surfers who can lift their surfboards above the wave. The surfers who has the highest lift

    or the best form wins. nobody loses. all participants have consolation prizes.



    Local companies such as tribu, fluid surf, habagat, sandugo, wet dreams, brown belly, rebelde inc. foreign companies

    such as quicksilver Philippines, billabong

    Philippines, eillim, globe, smart, siemens etc. will represent there product in one-night fashion show at the main

    stage. The models will be gathered from local

    beauties in the province of Camarines Norte. Surprise quests or celebrities may also be invited to participate.



    A long table will be setup along the seawall where surfers get to eat together using their bare hands. This tradition

    signifies camaraderie family between surfers.





    This type of surfing contest is a fun, acrobatic surf exhibition game each contestant will be composed of two surfers

    riding the wave in a single board, doing stunts, tricks and other techniques.



    A 3-plus hours of musical concert performed by popular artists and musicians along with local artists and musicians.

    Possible musicians include Bamboo, Kitchie Nadal, Rivermaya, M.Y.M.P, Whatevuritakes, Radio Active Sago Project,

    Giniling Festival, Sugar free, Demonstrators, etc.




    This surf exhibition game will be participated by the different surf teams, each team will name one participant that

    will put on a costume and surf the objective is to look funny and enjoy surfing at the same time. The funniest surfer




    We will invite the forerunners of other water sports and shore line sport to introduce these events of leisure and fun.

    These sports include kite Surfing, Wind surfing,

    Skim boarding, Jet Ski enthusiasts, etc.



    CLOSING EVENT OF THE DAY: Dance with the waves

    Get your bodies shakin as we give you the coolest dance beats in this one-night beach dance party. Lots of surprise

    activities to spice the evening celebrity guests.



    This is a daily activity that teaches surf enthusiasts basics and advanced surf maneuvers, organize surf-tours. This

    also provides organize surf tours and board






    This competition will be implemented throughout the 3-days event, finding the best surfer in 5 divisions as we end the

    festival with the finals. We will post the prizes as soon as we secure the sponsors for it.


    85 SECONDS of FAME

    Throughout the whole event, any entities, individuals, or groups may come up to the main stage to present their tricks,

    gimiks or fixes in the span of 100 seconds or less. Anyone may participate free of charge. This aims to be an event

    filler to be held whenever there are event breaks, technical problems and other unprecedented breaks.


    There will be a surprise award for the best presentation of the day to be presented during the nightly presentations.



    Do you know the Las Vegas Elvis Wedding? I bet you've seen them on tv already. How about the BORACAY thingie on men

    proposing on women over a sandcastle on the beach? rings a bell huh? hehehe.. well we'll try and accommodate all you

    love birds in our own little way.



    SiCWEET! hehehehe... You have to be there to know. hehe.


    -------------------------- ------------------------




    Magandang Umaga Bayan

    Sports Unlimited documentation

    Lakbay T.V.

    ABS-CBN Naga (bikol especial)

    ABS-CBN Metro Manila



    CNTV (local channel)

    STV6 (local channel)

    Action Asia adventure magazine

    Urge magazine

    Indie filmmakers (BWC documentation)

    Local Radio Station

    Balitang cute ni Marc Logan

    RX 93.1

    95.5 RT


    Other media entities


    NOTE: If anyone of you know any other

    media entities who might find this an

    interesting event, please forward info to us,

    and we will contact them.


    For more info, contact us at


  3. sa camarines norte ako ngayon mga fishes. hehehe.... musta na? havent been online for ages.


    sid, dont you think youve already accepted if you understood exccept that you dont need to consciously accept it coz it's wayyyy too fast a process for our minds that we almost seem to jump the "accept" process? sorta like a genius thingie hahaha.. kasi sabi nila, genius is the ability to jump from a to c without going through b. :)


    good noon boyz and grrsss...

  4. i dont think it's offensive to call it love box or love hole... kasi women have their own words to represent our love shafts too.. ;) so all's fair. hehehe...


    you know what topic is good here? it's about how passionate a piscean can get.. male or female.... anyone can post what he/she thinks as passionate love making... from the time they meet up to the time they part ways.. ;) that way, females will know how males think.. and males wil know how females think... and throughout this whole shiz, who knows, some guy gets to jam with some chic here..... it'll be rad! coz we're of the same sign... ;)

  5. to hope that mankind would be one really is 99% fantasy. pero if the bible were true, then there will be a time when mankind will be one.. and when we reach that stage, judgement day will come.


    this might sound really absurd but i do believe that man's thoughts are supplied by god... the things around us make us improvise... but basically everything we can ever think of or improve upon or invent are already in front of us just waiting to be discovered. since the start of time, man has already improved sometimes slowly other times dramatically but we improve nevertheless coz we are inquisitive beings and this helped us observe and make new discoveries... this brought us to where we are now.


    during the ancient times, man attributed unexplainable circumstances to god or gods or whatever religion they have... but through the ages, we have discovered science and a lot of things are already being tagged as natural tendencies of nature.... pero i believe that the reason why there are natural tendencies of nature and matters is because a supreme being made it into such. that's why i think after everything has been discovered through science, we'll all go back to havin our supreme belief in god.


    more thoughts soon...

  6. hehe i initially thought of banging some hot chic when i joined this forum but it's too superficial writing sexual thoughts in the thread (at least that's what i feel)... so yeah, i got bored... until i saw a couple of threads such as this one...


    i think the best way to a woman's love box is to first show her who i really am.. how my mind works in its deepest sense and then when we meet (if we do meet) that's when ill unleash the sexual demon in me.. ;)

  7. hahah.. nah, im 101% pure bred stud. ;) to answer your question: it's an expression. coz i treat both male and female as equal so id rather not specify my gender for the public to see...


    if i can have it my way, id rather nobody posts their gender during any threads or conversations unless someone wants to know... kasi by placing a gender, it already limits or shapes the ways we mingle with others... its already a bias or a discrimination although it may not be bad discrimination.. but it's differentiation nonetheless. :D what's your view on this btw? ;)

  8. hi sid.. yeah i do love listening to a lot of music genres... :)


    ---- more thoughts on experience ----


    experience is relative to every person... hehe..... what's important is to cherish each of them. spesh if that experience is something one has experienced alone. kasi the fewer there are who experienced something, the more special it is.. hirap lang pag solo, ala ka ma-share-an ng storya without makin someone doubt some or all of what we say... i cant even say that ive experienced more than what others my age have also experienced... but i can say that i may be able to cherish more of my experiences than a lot of others.


    im sleepy.. hehe.. more posts soon...

  9. "im just a waste of you energy

    you're just a waste of my time

    so why dont we get together

    so we could waste everything tonight.."

    - jack johnson


    in the end pareng sid, when you sti back and smoke on your rocking chair and look back.. you'll say that your time in manilatonight.com isnt a waste of time really.... coz it was when you get to explore a lot of different avenues that you havent delved yourself before then... it's a totally different experience in itself... sitting all day reading posts... and in the end, you'll be happy coz you have experienced something.. be it the ultimate boredom.. it's still an experience.


    i am experience. :)

  10. hi sid! nice nice reply! thanks much! hehehe.... will post more reply soon.. but for now i just wanna say one point i firmly believe.... each thing we do isnt a waste of time even if we're just waiting for something to happen... specially when we're sitting, thinking, waiting for something to happen... every single thing we do have a "significant value"... that is, if we put ourselves, and our own life as the most important person to get fulfillment. love everything else as i love myself.


    anyway... yeah, there are established theories..... it does help to read what others have already discovered.. but it is a pleasure in a different level, to try and discover things on your own... for fun and happiness... have you experienced how there are sudden bolts of realization at some point in your life where you get enlightened about a certain thing and then think to yourself that "this is what the theory means .." ;) it's like.. there's a big difference in experiencing the discovery yourself, than reading others' discoveries.. it's a different world to be the one creating than the one following... but both have their own merits ;)


    i live to experience. :)

  11. hi sid... here's more on the time, distance and space thingie... disclaimer: these are just my thoughts.. i havent based them on any scientific book or anything pero these are just from observations and the random things going on in my mind (based from things ive seen, experienced, observed, derived, etc..)


    i believe that without time, there will not be distance. kasi say you stand at point A in laguna and you need to go to point B in manila.... if there's time, there is a distance travelled relative to time.. but if say, we can teleport from point A directly to point B, e di ala ng time required.. split second time probably pero that's all.. and that means almost removing the sense of distance.. or perhaps removing distance altogether.. posible di ba? ;)


    sooo.. in essense, even the sense of space wont be existence if time dont exist. kasi travelling from one space to another would require time.. coz speed itself requires time.


    so yeah, i believe that if there's anything a god or a group of gods did create and put their guts out and perspired blood to create, it would be the concept of time. all other things, like animals, trees, plants, humans, birds.. we are given preprogrammed tasks or what we call INSTINCTS. we're just lucky to be the highest form of creation. :)


    and the internet is his tool to unite the world into one belief.. one god (or same essensed belief), one nation, one world, one universe. :)


    more thoughts when i get warped into god mode thinking again.. :D

  12. hi len.. just read your post.. hehe.. i got particularly caught with your signature about "friendship" not that i thought about friendship (or interaction) and how much i think it is of a factor in developing every single creature.... but rather about time and distance... hehehe...


    i have been thinking about these two things and their relationships to creation. i have this theory that god's only formulated work is time. distance is a concept developed by man because of the existence of time. and that when god or the gods created time, he created randomly all the other particles in the whole universe.. big or small... but they are all set randomly with the use of a lot of predefined factors (such as dream, death, destiny, desire, despair, destruction and delirium; the zodiacs; the seasons, etc.)


    on poetry... haha... sigurado ako kaya mo rin... ayaw mo lang kasi iba hilig mo.. ;) pero we are very versatile beings... very maleable... kaya kahit ano isalpak sating mga pisceans, magagawa natin basta magfocus tayo dun. :)

  13. i just got this enlightening thought.. :)


    we seem to be like the thinkers of old... when plato's sitting, thinking, guiding, talking with his apprentices on a cliff.. sitting on rocks... under a tree... overlooking the ocean.. this thread looks like a really promising thread for thoughts... ;)


    it's like that part of history has repeated itself now in the form of forums and threads... exchanging thoughts and ideas.... no singular adviser but anyone can help anyone else... :)

  14. i just got this enlightening thought.. :)


    we seem to be like the thinkers of old... when plato's sitting, thinking, guiding, talking with his apprentices on a cliff.. sitting on rocks... under a tree... overlooking the ocean.. this thread looks like a really promising thread for thoughts... ;)


    it's like that part of history has repeated itself now in the form of forums and threads... exchanging thoughts and ideas.... no singular adviser but anyone can help anyone else... :)

  15. ey, do.ob, i consider ur work as "other poem". it's not a haiku. make it 3 lines..:) revise it pls.


    tips from a haiku teacher:

    haiku usually is written in small letters not unless d word is a proper noun.

    make a poem that give us concrete pictures. it shows, it does not tell.

    pls use picture words not abstract words, like instead of a "flower", u can name d flower like "sunflower", or instead of fruit, u can use "strawberry or apple".

    the fewer the words, the better.


    hi sunflower.. thanks for the tips! greatly appreciated them! :)


    ok... so haiku is much more complicated than it seems... coz the simpler and the fewer the words are in haiku, the more abstract the meaning becomes.... the harder it is to pinpoint what it really intends to say... which makes me think the guy who created haiku is a piscean.. for no one can be any more vague to other signs than a piscean. but to us, it's as simple as abc. ;)


    so what i created is more of a chant than a haiku.. heheh.. cool! ;D


    here's another:


    yellow pollen

    two bees suckin

    honey lining


    more advice please.. :D

  16. hi sunflower and george,

    hehe.. a slight modified haiku after considering both your thoughts....


    a spec of dust

    in a vast medium


    piercing through atoms


    hmm... sunflower, are haikus three liners or are four liners also haikus? coz i got a friend before who makes haiku in four lines... ? :)


    ill tell you guys what i am referring to in my haiku in my next post. ;)


    about this metaphor thingie.. haha.. i dunno how to really balance metaphors and prosy lines... but what i did was to define a certain thing through the use of tangents... of how it seems to me if it were a particle.. :)

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