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Posts posted by megsyboy23

  1. In short, sexual infidelity nor lesbianism/homosexuality, ALONE, is NOT a ground for annulment.


    DAMN!!! How do i work out in getting in a relationship if this is my case...

  2. 3 months ago, i discovered my wife having an ilicit affair and abandoned me as she had a relationship with a lesbian... the relationship was already running for about 2-3months or so...come that we went to 2 marriage counselors (1 being a nun & 1 being priest) and was advised that while we are seperated we fix ourselves (reflect, pray and learn from what transpired). to my case... i did my part but soon to discover that my wife is still hanging out with the lesbian... though she claims verbally that they are close friends... to which is BS to me


    i am already tired in fixing the marraige and want an annulment... can this be grounds for such case provided that the reason behind this is that my wife had an affair with a lesbian?

  3. Thanks for your reply, your observations are valid because i also wonder the same thing. I know someone who was married to a woman who had 2 abortions, her first is on her 7thmonth of pregnancy and the other one 8th, when my friend married this woman, they have a child who has autism. My friend is from the US and he was married to this woman.


    Thank you for your time answering.




    What is somehow scary about this is.. if a woman commits an abortion to her child in her womb...


    1: it'swhat they say "silent murder" of the innocent

    2: mother will carry "cursed guilty" for the k*ll. making them somehow mentally / emotionally unstable

    3: previous abortions carried out may cause unbalance physiologically to the mother


    Sorry for this but it hurts me most when I hear stories as such that I always wanted to have a kid now that I am single / seperated guy.

  4. @nightwriter : i may not be a clinical expert but i think with having a child being forced with abortion can contribute to autism. For one, the mother may be emotionally carrying something, to which, I may not know that somehow may have affected the child in her womb. 2nd forced abortions may entail medicines that have hampered the development of the fetus.


    This is just how I see it... I may be wrong but looking at it... it may be possible.

  5. my wife broke up with me becuase she settled with a LESBO rather with me... hurts too much because i do no know what went wrong... at times i ask myself what is lacking from my MANHOOD. i have a career... a house... a car... able to eat 3-6 meals a day... we used to make love 2-3 times a week...


    now... feels like there's this open void in my life... don't know what to do



  6. well... not to discourage you but beforehand... it ends on both of your mutual understanding.


    i had once a girlfriend / fiance for 3 years and we opted to get married a year after our 4th. she pursued career in a middle east country just for us to save while i do the preparations here in PH. while doing so, suppliers have been booked and venues already reserved. 3 months left before our marriage, she broke up with me because she got pregnant. my life wasted for the 1st time and i was out of focus. money wasted, time lost and self spoiled to rot.


    Not until i met a new girl after few more months after the break up. we stayed steady for 2 years not until we also decided to get married. after 3 years of getting married, she was working in a call center and entered an illicit affair which i discovered. just so happen she went with a lesbian and she claimed to be a bi-sexual that she didnt even told me before i got married.


    to rule things out, it really depends on your both mutual, committed understanding if you both want to stay together for a long time. point is... it should be clear and whole heartedly accepted that you both want to spend your lives together

  7. Dude, the fact that both parties are already cohabitating with other peoplke does not make their petition for annulment stronger or weaker. The usual ground is psychological incapacity at the time of the celebration of the marriage.



    I got confuse here... "The usual ground is psychological incapacity".


    How do we determine this?

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