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Status Updates posted by Piper_Martin

  1. :)) i really need a dentist man!!! whats up with u
  2. 27 here i come teehee!

    1. minato


      Hi there! What's eating you?

    2. jays0n


      ka bertdey =D

  3. ahem correction coelho.. i cant spell for s@%t...

  4. cant wait to go to the dentist to get this f**ker out...

    1. minato


      Did you manage to have it pulled? I hope you're out of pain now.

  5. im the first one to comment.;)

  6. pppssst its bibilog!

  7. sure just message me anytime u wanna chat or have coffee.

  8. umayos ka chong! u know who u are ;)

    1. minato


      woohhh.. is that for moi??

    2. Piper_Martin


      nooooooooo! :) why would it be???

    3. minato


      i just thought.. i'm the only one here eh.. hehehe..

  9. unfortunately they havent pulled it out yet... bukas na siguro.. wawa :(

  10. why are men in uniform so hot???

  11. why are men in uniform so hot???

  12. yeah audrey hepburn is beautiful...

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