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Posts posted by GeekGoddess

  1. I just want to be loved, to be respected, appreciated, and for the guy to be faithful to me in the truest sense of the word. Seriously.


    I fell in love with a guy who was someone my peers and my family considered beneath me in all aspects, not just financial but brains wise, drive in life, and other things. Still, I defended him and blinded myself to his faults and shortcomings. I had a reason for everything. Sadly, after some time, he showed his true colors. He really was beneath me in all aspects.


    So now, I still want the same thing though I highly doubt there is a guy out there who can meet all those requirements.



  2. You do the following:


    1. delete all his pictures on your FB account

    2. give away everything he gave you

    3. throw away all his pictures in your room

    4. HIDE him on your FB

    5. stop yourself from stalking him on the net

    6. DO NOT text him nor call him; drunk texting and drunk dialling are not excused.

    7. When you do remember the b@$t@rd ... remember all the bad things he did and the cheating ... that will stop you short.

    8. Remember all the times he made shitty excuses you forced yourself to believe.

    9. Remember: He is not all that. You are.

    10. He's not worth it. The mere fact he let you go, shows how d@mn stupid he is. Do you really wanna be with someone like that?

  3. - that if the person you love is worthless, no matter how much love you give that person, they will never be worth it ...

    - that if the person gives you a crappy lame ass excuse for breaking up, there's someone else ... always

    - that if that person can't stand up for you, he is not worth his dick or whatever that thing dangling between his legs is called

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