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  1. Just came from the gun show at SM Megamall yesterday to do some research on what pistol I should get. I already have a licensed 1911 with a PTC, but I want something smaller for more convenient carrying. I've been trying to find the Philippine laws and PNP regulations on the internet about gun ownership and carrying, but the PNP website is horrible. All I found on Google is Executive Order 194, MC 2010-008, and MC 2011-005. A couple of questions: 1.) I see that the conditions for the Permit to Carry states that: "For All Other Persons. (including members of the PNP AFP and other LEAs in civilian attire) a) Display of firearm is prohibited (The firearm must always be concealed) The firearm must be secured inside a vehicle or a motor cycle compartment. Does this mean that the firearm should ALWAYS be concealed and should always be in the vehicle? Medyo useless kasi PTC kung sa kotse mo lang pwede gamitin. Or does this mean that when it is in the vehicle, it should be secured inside some sort of compartment? 2.) I read somewhere (a news article) that gun ownership is limited to one handgun and one long firearm. Is this true? I already have a .45 pistol, but I want to get a smaller .40 or 9mm. Pwede pa ba? THANKS TO ANYONE WHO CAN CLARIFY. Although I hate these regulations that are aimed at responsible people (instead of criminals), I want to follow them anyway.
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