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Status Updates posted by B.C.

  1. 일관되지 않음

  2. Ego is a hell of a drug.

  3. Going nine. That has to change.

  4. The audacity.

  5. 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. Wtf.

  6. Konata Izumi hair.

  7. Something Just Like This.

  8. Restrictions.

  9. Don't talk to me. You're no different to them.

  10. Pink and purple. 분홍색과 보라색

  11. Mojito. Cheers!

  12. Purple-ish short hair.

  13. Don't be scared to love again, not everyone is like your ex.

  14. Thank you, Next.

  15. Fire prevention month na.

  16. Landi with a purpose.

  17. Vodka and multiple orgasm for breakfast.

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