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Posts posted by sickpuppy

  1. Is Dr. Pepper considered a cola drink? If it is then that happens to be one of my quirky favorites.


    As for Shasta, yes, that's quite a nostalgia trip, been having that since the 1970's.


    The RC Cola we have now seems sweeter and with a lot less fizz then the old RC Cola.


    - Joescoundrel



    Dr Pepper is considered a cherry cola flavored drink.


    And the period after the "Dr" was removed in the 1950's to improve the readability of the logo. Because of the font, the period made "Dr." look like "Di:"

  2. hi... can anybody help me? am graduatin this april. and im into advertising course. im thinking of makin myself ready after resting for like 2 weeks. i dont want to stay at home for a long time because i always felt loosing my active brain cells.


    can anybody help me in looking for some advertising agencies to submit my application?

    agency address? phone numbers?


    or if anybody here in the advertising field needed fresh graduates like me?

    my training deals with tons of accounts, ad campaigns and IMC's...

    as of now,,, we have the smart buddy as our client for the whole semester.


    hope theres someone here whos willing to help... :(


    my email is    ixi_jing_ixi@yahoo.com


    thank you very much guys... :)



    Hi there.


    Two traits you will need in the advertising field are SELF-RELIANCE and RESOURCEFULNESS. It's good that you are asking for help, but you shouldn't expect much help from anyone. But here's my P1.01 worth of advice based on what you wrote:


    - YOU have to go through the Yellow Pages and get the agencies' addresses and numbers YOURSELF. Practically NO ONE will help you with this. Learn to do things for and by yourself.


    - Call each agency you like and get pertinent info, especially the name of their Human Resources person. Address your application to the HRD by name, and not "To whom it may concern."


    - Apply in as many agencies as you physically can. You will be lucky if you get hired by 1 out of 25 agencies.


    - Try the classified ads, but agencies very rarely place ads there.


    - Prepare yourself by reading books on Resume Making and Job Interview Skills. Can't afford the books at National Bookstore? Then go to National and discreetly read any open books there! It's not as if they can stop you. Like I said, "RESOURCEFULNESS".


    It's a rough, ROUGH world in advertising. But don't ever allow anyone to discourage you from your dream. If you have to encourage yourself, so be it. Good luck.

  3. Question: is the hiring process really slow in agencies? I went for an exam 3 weeks ago. they said they'd update me on the developments. No word yet though.


    Yes, it can take very long. That is why you have to apply in as many agencies as you can. Don't depend on just one. When you take one exam, forget about it and move on to the next.


    If you were rejected, they will not inform you. You have to take the initiative and politely follow up your application with them once a week.


    Expect the worst, and hope for the best. Good luck.

  4. I've always loved WWE games for the PS2. "Smackdown vs. Raw 2006" is a helluva lot of fun to play!


    Recently, I finished playing God of War for the PS2, and I think it's an excellent game!

  5. Man, Diablo is one of my most favorite games EVER!


    But I don't think I'd like to play this mod. I have fond memories of playing and obsessing over Diablo:LOD, and losing a lot of time and sleep in the process too!


    Enjoy the mod!

  6. I love coffee and I used to love Starbucks. I would frequently order their cafe mocha with hazelnut or raspberry. But unfortunately, I think the quality of their coffee drinks has declined. The flavor of their coffee is off, and it lacks bite. The taste isn't as robust as before, and the mouthfeel is thinner.


    On more than three occasions, I exchanged my drink because it just tasted plain bad.


    Just last Christmas, the Peppermint Mocha I ordered tasted AWFUL! I learned from the barista that they changed the recipe by lessening the usual two shots of chocolate syrup, to just one shot! WTF?! I was really upset because they INCREASED the price, and DECREASED the ingredients!!!


    No more Starbucks for me in the meantime.

  7. The theme from "Last of the Mohicans" was cool. And the theme from "Pleasantville" was a nice, emotional, and feel-good tune.


    I liked the theme from the "Justice League" animation season 1-2. I don't like the one being used in "Justice League Unlimited".

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