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Posts posted by piolosakmal

  1. regarding ghost stories , i just want to share my own experience about white lady.


    I dont believe in ghost until the time when i really experienced it during my medicine days. It was around 2-3 am when this scary story of mine happened.

    i was studying one of my subjects in medicine in my room and about to finish my readings , when i suddenly saw a lady wearing white dress coming out from d Grotto of my sis house going out to the gate after a short period of rainshowers. i was about to sleep at that time . anyway my sis house was just at the back of our house , so my room is at the 2nd floor just adjacent to her house . I ignore what i saw , i just thought that maybe its just a sudden flash of light from a car or whatever , so i didnt mind about it. I was about to close my stereo located near d window becoz im about to go to sleep , when i saw it again in my peripheral vision at my window d white lace of d gown which i initially saw a while ago from my sis grotto, so i wonder , is it really true what i saw or my eyes was just tired from reading. so it never come into my mind that it could be a ghost or what others called as "white lady " . So what i did out of curiousity was to see it by my self what i just saw few minutes ago. I opened my the door of my room and about to open d door to our terrace , when i hear eery things !!! and then suddenly i felt d coldness of my skin as if there was a cold breeze of wind that touch me, so i had this "goose bump" then suddenly i realize what if its really a ghost then after opening d door she is infront of me face to face , i might fell down to the stairways and die at instant. So that was the time that i realize its really something paranormal. So we seek d help of d spirit questor and later learn dat near in that place , there was a lady who was raped and killed wayback 1960's according to the spirit questor . So we offer a mass and blessed again d House of my sis .... and then it stops..........................................


    hope u also like my story.......................................... :D

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