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Guns of the Patriots

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Guns of the Patriots last won the day on March 24 2016

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    Men are from Mars, Women from Venus, Boys will be boys that loves to play with their toys.

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  1. Listening on You Tube......Friday (I'm in Love) by the Cure and Mamma Mia by ABBA. Oh those were the days.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Magic 89.9 has an online radio website magic899.fm. Even though I'm out of the country, I always make it a habit to listen to them.

    3. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Magic 89.9 has an online radio website magic899.fm. Even though I'm out of the country, I always make it a habit to listen to them.

    4. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      @Riviera: yah that's a good song also. Can't remember who sang that.....

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