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Status Updates posted by goodgirlgonebad

  1. am an erratic user. but if i am online, it's usually around 10pm onwards. i added you on ym, thanks

  2. hello there! its no bother, and sure! tnx also for wanting a new friend.

  3. hello! sure, no problem!!!

  4. hey mr. green! thanks for greeting me on my special day!!!

  5. hey there yourself!

  6. hey! nice to know! hope we get to be friends!

  7. hey! seems you cant receive a message here. anyway, if you can send me your ym thru pm, i'll try to reply. tnx

  8. hey! wasn't that painting used in a movie by pierce brosnan "the thoas crown affair"? nice!

  9. hi! coffee some time?

  10. hi! find anything interesting?

  11. hi! hope we can chat sometime!

  12. hi! how are you? hindi na tayo nakapg chat ah?

  13. i'll add you, what's your ym?

  14. maybe a turnoff to speak bad English, but, don't you think, instead of blasting them, it would be better to help them learn? just a thought

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