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Posts posted by kookoochiao


    He never admitted it has he?


    Same here re: your idolatry of Marcos.


    Actually I do believe Tiglao did admit it. If you follow his opinion columns, you might have spotted in several of them, he admitted that he was an idealist while younger and had in fact been part of the propaganda team of the communist even while still in college.

  2. Yes, that's so true unfortunately....


    All very valid points but of course, we all know now that the survey done more than 3months ago, which was before the whole pork barrel circus started. In fact, the results of the survey had already been reported back then. So why the rehash? Mind-conditioning?

  3. Pls investigate insider trading like the one by R Ongpin in DBP!


    Insider trading? Just wondering what the definition of this is because from what I read, R Ongpin started buying Philex shares in 2007 before finally accumulating a large enough block to sell it in November 2009. That's a very long holding period and the cost of money will certainly be no small sum since I also read in the newspaper that he borrowed from several banks to acquire these shares, DBP being just one of them.


    For those who are criticizing R Ongpin now and claiming he made an obscene profit in this sale, I would like to ask if they would have the guts to take out such large loans over such a long period of time. It's really speculative and all I can say is that I admire the guy because he really trusted his own instinct and was willing to put his money where his mouth was. After all, isn't this kind of spirit the core of entrepreneurship? So we are now going to give the message that we will punish entrepreneurs?

  4. Dear PNoy,


    Today, we made internet headline news again...and there's a photo of you too.




    "Critics blast the Philippines for bungling basic geography and even inventing a new species." Our government's defense? Research for the design took 3 whole years and many experts were consulted. Nice. Can't wait til our next headliner.


    Another example of how self absorbed this group of people are. Creating a new species of parrot? More likely to be just a delusion that yellow is now the most important color of the spectrum. Hahaha

  5. Who says that the majority of Filipinos are happy or approve of Pnoy anyway? Oh yes, I forgot, it surveys firms which are owned by his relatives. On the other hand, an independent survey by Transparency International shows a very different picture as almost 50% are disappointed with his performance. But then again, I am just biased.

  6. As to me attacking Gloria during her time? Well, the difference between her and PNoy is, SHE WAS NEVER A LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT. I marched in EDSA to help oust Erap. I supported Gloria in her first years in office. But when she betrayed this TRUST, when SHE CHEATED to a second term, then I had no recourse but to reverse that support. And yes, if PNoy betrays this same trust, that we, who voted for him have given him, you can bet I will start attacking him as well. But for now, GIVE THE MAN A BREAK. Let him take a legitimate shot at succeeding (and take the whole country along for the ride). Huwag naman automatic batikos machines na lang lahat tayo. Kung meron ng tunay na dahilan para patalsikin si PNoy, handa akong mag-marcha ulit sa EDSA. I am NOT pro PNoy. I am pro PINOY.


    I will hold you to your word on this. In a year or so, there will be news which might shake this country again.

  7. Like I said, I would stop reading at the first "Dear Abnoy". But I am sure he made another brilliant post -- given the CREDIBILITY he has earned over the last two years or so on mtc.


    AS for these INVESTMENTS were earmarked 2 years ago. Ok, you want to play it that way? Look, I went on record that PNoy is ULTIMATELY responsible for the hostage fiasco as he is now the commander in chief. But if we are going to give GMA the credit for what she has done "two years ago" as you say, remember too that the SWAT team that tried the rescue was trained "two years ago". So ano ba? Yung blame lang ang credited now, pero pag positive, kay GMA? Anakngteteng... ang galing naman nun.


    I am no GMA supporter nor am I a P-noy fan or basher. Just want to make a point. The comparison is not "apples to apples" simply because the "team" which undertook the rescue was not the best which the Philippines had to offer. It was already stated as a matter of public record during the IIRC that there were other elite teams on stand-by. Why they were not utilized is anyone's guess. So it's still the problem of "leadership" or a lack of it during the crisis which resulted in the fiasco.

  8. quite a few foreigners are wondering why the philippines, since the time of marcos, has not really progressed....

    and it is very, very difficult to explain why...considering we have abundant natural resources...we have a beautiful country...and the 10 million OFW's are mostly

    ambassadors of goodwill to the whole world...


    let them read the above post by El Rey...and i am very sure, absolutely, positively 120% SURE, that whoever asks the question would say...."aaahhhh....this is why"


    Excellent point. I wonder how many of us are guilty of that? And and I ask all those who are now fervently defending this President and making all these "sounds so good" statements to look deep into their own hearts and tell us honestly if they had behaved in the same manner during previous years. Did they also contribute to this "lack of progress"? It's just a fact of life that you can't please everyone all the time so stop trying to do so.

  9. my point is just f#&king help the guy and not pull him down. no wonder our nation is weak. all we do is blame everything to someone we can point our fingers at.


    I agree that we should help but I also think that criticisms can help. For those who are just defending him blindly, it is also not helping because if you see something obviously wrong, you have to criticize so that he can do the right thing.


    As I said previously, the best way to prove critics wrong is not to go into an argument with them but simply to do the correct thing.


    However, I can understand the feelings of those who did not vote for him because he is barely in office for 100 days and has proven to the world at large that all their fears and criticisms of him are TRUE !



    God help us !

  10. i'm all for criticizing the powers that be including the president for that mess that happened last month... but what's being hurled at the president is just absolutely absurd & a painful reminder of how immature & asinine democracy is in this country... what defense does the president have against his critics, detractors & political enemies? none, he's never going to satisfy them, no matter what he does its always going to be wrong... the new minority opposition claims that they are not politicking, please, they're politicians, it's what they do & their actions prove otherwise:

    1) emasculating jesse robredo over the hostage taking during a budget hearing...

    2) bitching that the chinese government got a copy of the iirc report first before they did...

    3) threatening leila de lima for contempt because she refused to turn over a copy of the report to them also during a budget hearing... (eh, hindi kayo inurungan, mga titi kayo)


    So what's new under the sun? And your point is? Why can't criticisms and other accusations be hurled against this President which was also done to all other presidents by other oppositions, not only in this country but also in all other countries? In what way is he special? If he is so onion-skinned, he should not have taken the hot seat. Of course, no person (president or whoever) can ever satisfy everyone. The point is to show positive action to prove his critics wrong.

  11. ang harsh naman nang mga comments and criticisms dito kay pnoy. what if you were in his shoes. hay pilipinas. andami talagang talangka sa ating bayan. another thing no matter what you say and do he would always be your 15th president. btw i am not an aquino supporter. kaya please give the a guy a break. 3 months pa lang naman sya sa office malay natin he would do something that would be very different from his predecessors. what if kayo ang presidente nang pilipinas? somewhere out there somewhere someone would criticize you and your cohorts. tumingin muna kayo sa mga salamin bago kayo manisi.. mga ksp


    Seems like a reasonable point on the surface but the fact is he asked for it when he decided to run for that particular position. There is no comparison for the average folk like you and me precisely because we did not intentionally put ourselves in the line of fire by running for a public office. Basically, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  12. From the column of Herman Laurel Tiu in Daily Tribune, Sep 13, 2010




    As always, great horn-blowing accompanies the latest multi-billion peso borrowing announced by PeNoy Aquino’s Finance chief. Cesar Purisima clearly hopes this will drown out objective and critical analysis of the P44.1 billion in new loans added to the already enormous P4.6-trillion national government debt stock and our total debt of about P7 trillion. One headline even quotes the Hyatt 10 balik-secretary describing the oversubscribed issue as a “landslide vote of confidence,” the “first peso-denominated bond outside the country,” a “milestone,” and “the first time an Asian country conducted a float using its own currency.”


    By real honest standards, however, forensic financial analyst Hero Vaswani of the Kilusang Makabansang Ekonomiya explains that there is nothing really great about it. If anything, that huge borrowing is merely evidence that the Philippine economy is unable to generate revenues, and that the government still has to borrow to finance its operations, despite claims of a 7.9-percent GDP growth.


    A debt is a debt is a debt. Yet Purisima says the peso bond issuance “is the latest development in the (country’s) financing program in support of the government’s proactive management of external liabilities, particularly with respect to reducing its vulnerability to foreign currency risks.”


    But isn’t it really just the foreign financial syndicates’ way of avoiding the volatility of the US dollar by tying up a debtor country to an exchange rate for the bond? So far, only the weak and unstable countries, such as Colombia in South America, have become suckers to this scheme of issuing local currency bonds.


    National Treasurer Roberto Tan even supported the new peso bond debt, saying it would “enhance the government’s debt investor profile,” despite past examples of investor profiles given to countries such as Greece that have shown the scoring by the financial ratings agencies to be really meaningless.


    Even as Purisima boasts that the peso bond issuance was oversubscribed 13 times, we ask: Isn’t this oversubscription just a symptom of the hard times in the western economies? The US is facing an on-going “low intensity depression” and its policymakers have already pumped trillions of dollars into the system, leading to desperation on where to park the overflowing financial assets.


    Further, Vaswani explains that the US is lending at practically zero interest; which is why so-called “investors” have started to use this to buy Third World debt earning upwards of 5 percent. This reminds me of the “petrodollars” 40 years ago when US dollars overflowed after the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries required oil to be traded only in that currency, as the Middle East crises (of created wars and oil embargoes) exploded oil prices from $15/bbl to almost $90/bbl (adjusted to 2008 dollar values. Trillions of US dollars then had to be recycled by finagling or forcing Third World countries to swallow a lot of un-payable loans.


    Purisima is simply doing what all his predecessors have done: Increasing our debt; failing to raise revenues for government; and relying on new debts to finance the growing national budget with its increasing annual deficit-spending. The two months under the PeNoy administration has not brought about new ideas for generating greater revenues without imposing new taxes and other pains onto the public. Hence, the imbroglio over the value-added tax (VAT) on tollways, the raising of MRT fares, and now, the removal of the senior citizens’ VAT exemptions, which came out in the news just last Sept. 9.


    Where then is the much-vaunted “anti-corruption dividend,” where savings from cleaning up waste from graft and corruption are supposed to make up for the deficits and fulfill the “no new taxes” pledge from PeNoy’s election campaign?


    The plain truth is, the Philippines will never be able to break loose from the tightening strangle of the “debt trap” because every administration since the February 1986 elite counter-revolution (with the sole exception of Erap Estrada) had all been against the national economic development paradigm of Ferdinand Marcos.


    After Cory Aquino took over, state revenues and the people’s wealth — as directed by the US State Department and Makati Business Club — were aggressively transferred to the oligarchy through trade liberalization (jumpstarted by Cory and Bobby Tañada’s removal of 3,000 items from tariff protection); privatization and deregulation of strategic industries and public utilities (Meralco, Petron, Napocor, etc.); and reversal of progressive income taxation through the institution of the regressive VAT system.


    It went on through Fidel Ramos and peaked under Gloria Arroyo, where Big Business raked in P3 trillion in profits in just nine years!


    To stop this bloodletting, the people must wrest power away from the oligarchy and put a genuinely democratic leadership in place. Unless PeNoy undergoes a miraculous transformation and becomes truly Pinoy — no longer for and of the US and the Makati Business Club — Filipinos will have to continue their search for genuine nationalist and patriotic leadership. It could be still by elections, if we can stop the future use of those Hocus-PCOS machines, or it can well be by other means, which may prove feasible when the time comes.


    In the meantime, let’s continue to expose what the current Finance secretary is really doing in contracting all these new debts — whether in peso, dollar, euro, or yen. Debts in any currency are just the same old financial foolishness. Right, Mr. Foolish-ima?


    Mistaken Pride in having our Peso Bond Float over-subscribed? As pointed out, didn't we (well most of us anyway) vote for this Administration on the platform it was going to reduce corruption and also debt?

  13. *******************************************


    i owe you an apology...it was not my intention for you to feel slighted...


    and i would like to state that my first impression of you has been a big mistake - there are only a select few here who could expound on their chosen topics and you are one of them...


    MTC needs more posters like you who make sensible arguments...


    As it is, i have learned more from you ...


    which disproves your perception that i am intelligent nor more learned than




    mea culpa...


    Ok I understand where you are coming from now. I also apologize for being a little too combative. But I agree that a sensible exchange of views based on logic and reason is beneficial to both parties. I have also learned from you in that I have a tendency sometimes not to make myself clear.



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  14. Dear Pnoy,


    You have to have been briefed about it by now...that the quality of education available to Filipinos have deteriorated so much that by reading MTC postings, you will discern that quite a few do NOT either read history or perhaps NOT understand what they read ... A poster believes that Marcos was the BEST president !...Ferdinand Marcos, who was responsible for the murders of so many of our patriotic countrymen - Evelio Javier, Ninoy Aquino, Edgar Jopson and countless others who fought for freedom. The same Apo Ferdie who stole billions from Filipinos...the same money, a percentage of which, probably, Imelda, Imee and Bongbong used in their campaigns for seats in the Philippine Congress...This poster even argued about Marcos' BOP surplus during the early years of his 'reign'...He failed to mention, or perhaps, he did not know that when Marcos started his presidency, the Philippines was next to Japan as an Asian economic power and that when he unceremoniously left for Hawaii, the Philippine economy was in shambles...almost COLLAPSED...How could a leader who caused the downfall of his nation be the BEST president ! And please, whoever you are, do NOT provide with a rebuttal that it is a matter of opinion or perception. History is factual. History is based on the TRUTH, not opinion nor perception.



    I believe that the MTC poster is me. Let's put things in perspective. My post was in the thread "Presidents - The Best and The Worst"


    The comments I made were


    "I agree . Noynoy will go down in history like his mother - as the President when Philippines suffered the most disasters, both natural and man-made. Whether that makes him beloved depends on I guess whether you benefited or not during his time.


    Personally, just looking at the records, correct me if I am wrong but the only time the Philippines economy experienced a budget surplus was during the early years of the Marcos era.


    To make a simple statement as to who is the best or worst is too subjective because it will be tainted by personal bias.


    Look at the last statement "Worst President for those who LIE, CHEAT and STEAL - tied Magsaysay and CORY..."


    Is that entirely true? Depends on which point of view. Just a thought, maybe the only difference between CORY and ARROYO is the former only favored a few people in her inner circle while the latter was more indiscriminating. It just pisses me off when people adopt a superior attitude but forget that their so-called paragon of virtue is also tainted."


    Did I give the impression that I thought Marcos was the best? If so, I apologize coz that was not my intention. I did say that I stand corrected on my reading of the economic data. Check this site for Philippines' economic GDP from 1960 to 2006.




    As you can see, the decline happened before 1965 and it really dove to it's present position in 1970, which was what I would call the later part of Marcos reign. So I don't really think that Philippines was really next to Japan before Marcos took over. In fact, if you have really read your history books, the peak of Philippines economy was during the 50's when American money was still flowing into our economy as part of the war rebuilding efforts - The Bell Act / Parity Act.


    In fact, the following observation was made by Germelino M. Bautista in an article entitled "An Assessment of the Philippine Economy" in October 2003. I quote


    ""Rather than a linear or a progressive pattern of growth... a series of limited and brief periods of growth spurts... the economy has gone through six cycles – 1962-1965, 1966-1969, 1970-1973, 1974-1983, 1985-1991, and 1992-1998. Each cycle starts off with several years of growth that eventually decelerates. The economy peaked, for instance, in 1962/63, 1972/1973, 1976/ 77, 1988/ 89, and 1996/ 97, dipping downwards in subsequent years to complete the cycle and start anew. Except for the longer stretch between 1975 and 1982, each cycle in the last four decades have extended over a 4 to 5 year period of positive growth before ending with low or negative growth rates in per capita real GDP (1990-93, 1998)."


    But I am digressing. The only point I want to make is - why are the comments posted on this thread? So that it's easier to take things which I had said out of context? You are probably more intelligent and more well read than I so I won't want to get into an argument with you.


    I just wanted to clarify this one point. You say history is fact and truth but the question is - whose facts and truth? Are all the items you quoted facts or truth? Facts or truth means supported by incontrovertible proof or evidence. In fact, you are the one expressing your own beliefs and passing them off as TRUTH since none of those things has been proven (even on a balance of probability) till today and it is not for lack of trying.


    And I fully agree with your exhortation to the government to prioritize education but did you realize that your candidate was the one who did not have such a platform during his campaign?


    Guess I have said too much coz my head is now hurting. I am really not as intelligent as you are so being forced to think makes my head ache really bad.

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