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Status Updates posted by masterbetty

  1. shhhh...don't say bad words...:)

  2. Bro I do not have formal training. It all started with my aunt who was a massage therapist/chiropractor with the US Navy in subic. She taught me how to massage way back in highschool, which I put to good use in college as almost all my female friends would have me massage them (some in the nude), that is where I trained myself on self-restraint and respect for the girl you are massaging as th...

  3. aha ikaw pala yan ha! hehehe! Nkuha mo ba yung pinabigay ko na chocolate?:)

  4. Happy bday po sexy bombastic chezka! Sorry hindi ako nakapunta, sobrang busy lang. Bawi ako pag nagkatime pumunta. Miss ya mwah!

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