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Posts posted by thrall

  1. Di ko na trip lacoste...napagiwanan na sa style and design, same old colors parin...after losing weight and getting fit again, pinamigay ko na mga size 6 lacoste ko and opted to buy less popular and less expensive shirts pero mas maganda ang fit and design. Ngayon kahit puting hanes lang mas gusto ko na suot kesa sa lacoste..wala pang issues on authenticity...

  2. And of course last but not the least Resistance training...Eto depende na sa goals niyo at sked. To build those muscles you gotta bang em hard!! You may follow your old routine or you may also see the guy's routine sa site..Ang importante burn that fat in your belly by interval training and proper diet, At para mag ka shape naman at kumorte resistance training and weights..


    Di po tayo nagmamarunong nag she share lang ng nakita at napatunayan na gumaganang sistema.

  3. CONT>>


    My Supplement Tip


    I am also receiving a lot of questions about my recommended supplements. I do NOT recommend any fat burning pills. However, I highly recommend flax seed oil and a muti-vitamin with your breakfast. Whey protein and other meal replacements can also be very helpful as well.



    Quick Guidelines Overview:


    I will provide you with a great guideline to help you lose weight. Let me simply it for you. These are the guidelines that I am following in my 16 week journey to six pack abs.


    Rule #1: Eat smaller meals through out day.


    Ideally, try to eat every 3- 31/2 hours of a smaller meal everyday. Not only will you feel less hungry but it will help boost your metabolism by constantly supplying your body with the adequate amount of energy. Stay away from eating 3 larger meals and start eating smaller meals through out the day.


    Rule#2: Consume enough high quality protein every day.


    Protein (such as chicken) has a high thermic effect than carbs and fat. What does it mean to you? Your body has to burn extra calories to break down your protein into smaller amino acids. Plus, it will keep you satisfied a lot longer compared to carbs. In addition, protein is needed to build and maintain lean muscle. Aim for about 60-70% of your total calorie intake.


    Rule#3: Consume 25-35 grams of fiber a day


    Your carbohydrates should be mostly high fiber foods such as vegetables, fruit, and high fiber unrefined grains. Fiber in your food absorbs water causing it to expand in your stomach and therefore making you feel more satisfied for a longer time. In addition, high fiber food will also control your blood sugar level; therefore, allowing you to release more body fat.


    Rule#4: Avoid refined sugars and refined grains.


    One of the biggest reasons why we are so overweight is because of the amount of sugar intake that we consume every year (Yes. That means to put your soda down). High sugary food/drink intake can cause your blood sugar to spike up causing you body to stop producing another hormone called glucagon. Glucagon is a releasing hormone that is responsible for releasing body fat to be utilized as energy. However, when you consume too much sugar, your glucagon production is discontinued.


    Rule#5: Consume an adequate amount of fat.


    When I say fat, I meant the healthy kind of fat such as nuts and seeds, nut butters, olive oil, organic meats and eggs, virgin coconut oil, and avocados. Depleting yourself with the healthy fat can negatively affect your hormone levels that will only result to more cravings.


    In addition, you want to limit the unhealthy fat (saturated fat) such as butter, margarine, and the fat around your steak. Avoid hydrogenated fat at all costs as they cause more harm than good.


    Rule#6: Keep yourself hydrated all day;


    It is crucial to keep yourself hydrated especially while working out. Try to drink .6 - .7 ounces per pound of body weight. We are made up of mostly water and a slight decrease in your body fluid level can affect your exercise performance. My number one rule in regards to water: If you are thirsty, you are also dehydrated. Do NOT wait until you are thirsty.


    Let? put it all together:


    I eat small meals through out the day containing one lean protein and foods that are rich in fibers. I consume an average of 400 calories per meal (5-6x per day) for a total of about 2,000-2,400 calories per day. In order for you to lose weight, you must create a caloric deficit; in other words, you must burn more calories than you consume. However, consuming too little calories (extreme dieting) can result in an even lower metabolism.


    Eating smaller meals through out the day will help boost your metabolism and keep your energy up all day.

  4. Diet Tips to reach that dreamed of sixpack This is very important..from i want sixpackabs.com again...follow this guidelines and the interval training above and your on your way to your dreamed of sixpack..


    Most people will agree that there is more weight loss and fitness information today but there is also more and more people that are getting even more confused about proper nutrition. Each diet contradicts with one another. I know it can get very confusing.


    I am not a nutritionist and I do NOT claim to know everything. However, I spent over 7 years of my life studying how the body functions. These are just the general guidelines that I use for myself.


    I can never stress it enough how crucial proper eating is. It is one of my biggest reasons why I was able to drop my body fat so that I could reveal my six pack abs. Without proper supportive eating, you are wasting your time at the gym. It is only

    going to be a lot tougher without the proper supportive eating.


    Here are my eating tips and I'll try to keep it simple and easy to follow. If you want to lose weight and gain lean muscle, you will want your supportive eating to consist of high protein and high fiber food. You will understand why after reading this article.


    Let? Talk About Protein First:


    You want to make an effort to consume high quality protein and fiber in every meal. A suportive eating rich in lean protein is very crucial for numerous reasons. Protein is essential for repairing, building, and preserving your muscle. Of course, the more muscle that you can keep and build, the higher your metabolism. In addition, protein is needed for the production of important hormones and enzymes.


    However, one of the biggest reasons why protein plays a big role in your supportive eating is because protein does not spike your sugar level up. The more your blood sugar is steady, the more fat your body can release to be utilize as energy.


    Protein is hard for your body to break down causing up to 20% thermic effect compared to carbohydrates and fat. What does that mean? When you consume protein, 20% of the total protein calories are used just to break down the protein into small chains of amino acids. That is extremely important to help boost your metabolism.


    Here are the top 12 sources of high quality lean protein:


    1. White egg omelette (hard boiled eggs)

    2. Lean skinless chicken and turkey (white meat)

    3. Wild Salmon

    4. Lean beef

    5. Tuna

    6. Lean Pork

    7. Sardines

    8. Skim milk

    9. Cottage Cheese (Fat Free)

    10. Beans, nuts, legumes

    11. Soy (Tofu)

    12. Whey protein drinks.


    Let? Talk About Foods That Are High in Fiber:


    Adding fiber into your meal is crucial for overall heath. Fiber (soluble) absorbs water making your feel fuller and for much longer time. For example, plain oatmeal is high in soluble fiber with attract water to keep you satisfied for hours. However, eating cereal that is high in sugar and low fiber causes you to get hungry very quickly. Insoluble fiber help move the food faster through the stomach and intestines to prevent constipation and other disease. It is recommended to consume about 25-35 grams of fiber per day.


    Like I said earlier, you must make an effort to consume lean protein in every meal. But you also want your supportive eating to be rich in high fiber food. The list below are food that are high in fiber and packed in vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are essential muscle building, fat burning meal.


    Top 12 Foods That Are High in Fiber:


    1. Broccoli

    2. Spinach

    3. Yellow and red peppers

    4. Cauliflower

    5. Kale

    6. Sweet potatoes

    7. Brown rice

    8. Plain Oatmeal (my favorite breakfast food)

    9. Tomatoes

    10. Berries (extremely high in antioxidants which speed up your recovery)

    11. Bananas (my simple carbohydrates after working out.)

    12. Legumes, beans, nuts


    Let? all put it together. Again, you want to try to consume some lean protein in every meal with foods that are high in fiber. Below are four samples of what my everyday meal looks like.


    Sample Menu #1


    Meal # 1 (Breakfast)

    2 egg whites

    1 serving of plain oatmeal with whey protein (for flavor)

    ½ cup skim milk

    Optional Supplement: 1 teaspoon of Flax seed oil


    Meal # 2 (Snack)

    3 Hard Boiled Eggs

    1 serving of Broccoli


    Meal # 3 (Lunch)

    31/2 ounces Chicken Breast

    1 cup of mixed vegetables

    1 Large Apple


    Meal # 4 (My post workout meal)

    1 Banana

    11/2 servings of whey protein powder

    (sipping on my whey protein during my workout and finishing it after my workout)


    Meal #5 (Dinner)

    31/2 ounces of Salmon

    ½ cup spinach

    1 serving of berries such as strawberries


    Meal #6 Optional (Before I go to bed)

    Cottage cheese with blueberries.


    Quick notes: Cottage cheese contains casein protein to help prevent muscle breakdown. Blueberries are high in antioxidants to help aid muscle repair.

    Sample Menu #2


    Meal # 1 (Breakfast)

    5 egg whites with broccoli

    ½ cup skim milk

    Optional Supplement: 1 teaspoon of Flax seed oil


    Meal # 2 (Snack)

    Cottage cheese with strawberries


    Meal # 3 (Lunch)

    31/2 ounces Turkey breast

    ¾ cup of brown rice

    1 small Apple


    Meal # 4 (My post workout meal)

    1 Banana

    11/2 serving of whey protein powder

    (sipping on my whey protein during my workout and finishing it after my workout)



    Sample Menu #1


    Meal # 1 (Breakfast)

    2 egg whites

    1 serving of plain oatmeal with whey protein (for flavor)

    ½ cup skim milk

    Optional Supplement: 1 teaspoon of Flax seed oil


    Meal # 2 (Snack)

    3 Hard Boiled Eggs

    1 serving of Broccoli


    Meal # 3 (Lunch)

    31/2 ounces Chicken Breast

    1 cup of mixed vegetables

    1 Large Apple


    Meal # 4 (My post workout meal)

    1 Banana

    11/2 servings of whey protein powder

    (sipping on my whey protein during my workout and finishing it after my workout)


    Meal #5 (Dinner)

    31/2 ounces of Salmon

    ½ cup spinach

    1 serving of berries such as strawberries


    Meal #6 Optional (Before I go to bed)

    Cottage cheese with blueberries.


    Quick notes: Cottage cheese contains casein protein to help prevent muscle breakdown. Blueberries are high in antioxidants to help aid muscle repair.

    Sample Menu #2


    Meal # 1 (Breakfast)

    5 egg whites with broccoli

    ½ cup skim milk

    Optional Supplement: 1 teaspoon of Flax seed oil


    Meal # 2 (Snack)

    Cottage cheese with strawberries


    Meal # 3 (Lunch)

    31/2 ounces Turkey breast

    ¾ cup of brown rice

    1 small Apple


    Meal # 4 (My post workout meal)

    1 Banana

    11/2 serving of whey protein powder

    (sipping on my whey protein during my workout and finishing it after my workout)

  5. Interval Training from i want sixpackabs.com, this is what i do, and my close friends who are once obese and now are wearing size 29-30 slim fit jeans..(I myself from size 34 jeans to size 29 low rise slim fit Levis) :thumbsupsmiley: Of course combined with good diet and proper resistance training. Hope this helps..



    How To Boost Your Metabolism Using Interval Training



    I have observed hundreds of people in the gym that strictly perform 30-60 minutes of cardio, 3 5x per week, for at least a year resulting in the same old physique. If this sounds like your type of program, you will find out why you did not achieve the results that you are looking for.


    I know many fitness trainers that put their client on 6-7 hours of cardio training per week for several months. When the clients are frustrated with the lack of results, the only thing that the trainers do is encourage their clients to just stick with the program or to do more hours.


    So what is the solution? Is it to do more cardio? Of course not! Doing extra cardio will not help you. You will be surprised to know that 6-7 hours will NOT help increase your metabolism. In fact, it can actually slow down your metabolism.


    Confused? There are a lot of misconceptions about aerobic training. Most people believe that aerobic training is the magic solution to weight loss. There is a dark side to aerobic training that most people are not aware of. It is NOT the solution to weight loss. Forget about the long, slow, boring cardio workout. It is not going to get you the six pack abs that you are looking for.


    I will try to explain to you why people believe that steady state aerobic (i.e. jogging for 30-60 minutes) is the solution to fat loss.


    Let? go back to a real life example. If you compare the best marathoners (people who can run for several hours) and the best sprinters (under one minute), who do you think is leaner? If you said the sprinter, you are absolutely right.


    The first time that you attempt aerobic training, you might be able to last for only 5 minutes. As you get better and better, you increase your minutes. 5 minutes eventually turns into 10 minutes. 10 minutes eventually turns to 20 minutes. Eventually you can do 60 minutes, 5-6 times per week. Will you get the lean sculpted body that you want? Will you lose weight? Well? Just keep reading.


    As you get better and better, your heart and lungs get stronger and stronger allowing you to do longer distances. HOWEVER, as you do more and more aerobic training, as you get stronger, your body becomes better at utilizing your body fat (meaning you are burning less body fat). What it means is that if it takes you 30 minutes to burn 300 calories, as you get stronger, it will take 45 minutes to burn the same amount of calories. Is there fun adding more minutes to your cardio just to burn the same amount of calories that you use to burn?


    Eventually, as you do more and more aerobic to burn the extra calories, your body will start tapping into your muscles for energy. Eventually, your body can literally break down your muscle tissue to meet the energy demand. Your muscle tissue can be converted to glucose (blood sugar) to supply your aerobic training. What does that mean? You are making a smaller, less efficient fat burning machine; therefore, a weaker metabolism. .


    Remember, steady aerobic training does NOT build muscle, but doing too much can actually make you lose muscle.


    If steady state aerobic training does not work, what is the solution then?


    The answer??br>

    Interval Training (Anaerobic training)


    Interval training is far more superior to boosting your metabolism than it is to do steady state aerobic training. Steady state aerobic does not increase your metabolism at all. It is true that you are burning calories while you are actually performing the aerobics. However, once you are done with your session, your metabolism returns to normal.


    However, interval training (consisting of moderate to high intensity cardio) will burn more calories per minute, and will elevate your metabolism for hours and hours. The right amount of resistance training combined with an intense interval training session can keep your metabolism up for at least 24 hours and in some cases, up to 42 hours. Imagine what that can do to your body if you are burning high amounts of fat all day and all night long (even when you are sleeping).


    A lot of people focus too much about ?he workout when in fact, they should focus more on the whole picture. It is not the 1 hour of workout that counts but it is the 23 hours remaining in the day.



    What interval cardio activity can you do?


    What ever you enjoy and willing to stick to. You can jog/run/sprint, stationary bike, spinning bike, eliptical machine, rowing, stair climbing, mountain biking, swimming, etc. It is your choice. Just get yourself moving.




    The Rule to Interval Training


    Always warm up for 4-6 minutes


    High intensity: Perform one minute as fast as you can.

    (Level 9 or 10 intensity on a scale of 1-10)


    Moderate intensity: Slow down to a moderate pace for two minutes

    (Level 6-7 intensity).


    Therefore, one round will last about 3 minutes.


    Always cool down for 5 minutes


    Warning: Do not perform interval training before resistance training. It can actually cause a negative effect on your routine.




    Week One to Four:


    Complete 3 rounds, 3 xs per week.

    Total time: 19 minutes per session (including the warm up and cool down).

    You can perform this during your non-training days or right after your weight lifting.


    Week Five to Eight


    Complete 4 rounds, 4 xs per week.

    Total time: 22 minutes per session (including the warm up and cool down).

    You can perform this during your non-training days or right after your weight lifting.


    Week Nine to Twelve


    Complete 5 rounds, 4 xs per week.

    Total time: 25 minutes per session (including the warm up and cool down).

    You can perform this during your non-training days or right after your weight lifting.


    Weeks Thirteen to Sixteen:


    Complete 6 rounds, 5 xs per week.

    Total time: 28 minutes per session (including the warm up and cool down).

    You can perform this during your non-training days or right after your weight lifting.




    This is what the interval Training Looks like duing the first week.


    Warm up for 4-6 minutes by doing some light jogging.


    Followed By High Intensity Running/Sprinting for one full minute.

    (Level 9 or 10 intensity on a scale of 1-10)


    Followed by Moderate intensity: Slow down to jogging for two minutes

    (Level 6-7 intensity).


    Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds: Run/Sprint for one minute followed by jogging for 2 minutes.


    After completing all 3 rounds, light jog/walk for 5 minutes for a cool down.




    Warning: Do not perform interval training before resistance training. It can actually cause a negative effect on your routine.


    Follow this exactly how it is laid out and with the proper amount of resistance training, it will help boost your metabolism to allow you to burn more fat through out the day.


    However, keep in mind that you want to perform interval training right after your resistance training (never before resistance training). Doing interval training first can actually cause your body to break down your muscle tissue for energy during the resistance training. Interval training can also be done during your non-resistance day.


    You will be amazed how only 15 minutes of interval training can help boost your metabolism allowing you to burn fat through out your body including the fat around your stomach.

  6. Good Morning mga Sirs.

    I saw the site about the six pack.

    My problem is that the body of the guy in his before photo is way more ok than the shape i'm in right now.

    A guy who weigh more than 200lbs. just can't do those routines just like that.

    It will be really frustrating.


    Wala ba yung routine that will help me muna to go down on a level na kung gagawin ko na yung mga six pack

    workouts na yun ay kayang kaya na.


    Ok yung site lalo na yung diet tips nya. :cool:


    Good day mga Sirs. Peace :mtc:



    Dude sundin mo yung diet tips niya, then gawin mo yung interval training follow it by heart.. ay least 1 month you'll see the diffrence..Kahit wag muna yung resistance training. My friend started january last year from 250lbs now down to 145lbs... talagang religiously niya ginawa..He always tells me to love the pain..heheh


    Btw kumpleto na yung 8 packs niya down to the lower abs kumpletos rekados...Thats what intensity and dedication can do..nagaaya na nga mag boracay this summer mukhang plano na niya mag display..heheh

  7. If you wanna lose weight without goin to the gym...Go to this site..www.iwantsixpackabs.com. Its free btw..from size 34 jeans to size 29 skinny fit in 3 mos for me thats why Im sharing this. But of course its up to you to make it happen...

  8. Of course disiplina talaga in the first place..Pero itong site na to extensive ang instruction para at least di na tayo nangangapa kung ano gagawin andyan na lahat, its for you to make it happen bro...As for me, from bilbil 3 mos ago, ngayon kahit papano may guhit na sa gitna ng 4 na "upper pack" siguro mga 3 mos pa mapalitaw na yung lower abs tsaka obliques....OK na sakin kahit Paul Walker lang obliques tsaka abs...

  9. Sa mga naghahanap ng pogi.. I had 5 RBPs 2 years ago mga 1 inch nung na acquire ko, nung una ok, nakaktuwa dahil talagang they live up to their reputation. pinapakain ko hapless goldfish and feeders. First 6 mos talagang tuwang tuwa ako dahil violence talaga. Nung umabot na sila ng mga 5 inches medyo na bore ako, nilagyan ko ng breeding pair na convicts half their size. iniisip ko di tatagal. E mautak mga convict nagtago tago sa mga hiding places.. Akalain mo ba naman na nung nangitlog yung babae...hehehe antapang nung pair di makalapit yung mga pogi...nasa isang sulok sila yung mga convict tsaka mga baby nila ang hari sa tank...sa sobrang inis ko kinuha ko mga babies at yung babaeng convict hiniwalay ko, iniwan ko yung lalake. Di siya umabot ng 2 araw...He got owned...pero nawalan nako gana sa pogi, boring sila panoorin pag na outgrow mo na yung frenzy, pina swap ko nalang sila sa baby australian arowana, longnose,tsaka knife fish. Di ako nagsisi. try niyo rin visit www.monsterfishkeepers.com kung talagang gusto niyo ng monsters na alaga..

  10. bro hope you dont mind me asking, saan nakakabili nito? txt me naman sa 09209149060


    Dude natiyempuahn ko lang sa bio research last na sya noon...mga 1 inch siya P15..Great fish though tsaka ok ang markings.

  11. :cry: I lost one P kanina...he was killed by his buddies...Well fed naman. Ahhhh Im so down :cry: :cry: :cry:


    How many brothas fell victim to tha streetz

    Rest in peace young nigga, there's a Heaven for a 'G'

    be a lie, If I told ya that I never thought of death

    my niggas, we tha last ones left

    but life goes on.....


    As I bail through tha empty halls

    breath stinkin'

    in my draws

    ring, ring, ring

    quiet y'all

    incoming call

    plus this my homie from high school

    he's getting bye

    It's time to bury another brotha nobody cry

    life as a baller

    alchol and booty calls

    we usta do them as adolecents

    do you recall?

    raised as G's

    loc'ed out and blazed the weed

    get on tha roof

    let's get smoked out

    and blaze with me

    2 in tha morning

    and we still high assed out

    screamin' 'thug till I die'

    before I passed out

    but now that your gone

    i'm in tha zone


    'I don't wanna die all alone'

    but now ya gone

    and all I got left are stinkin' memories

    I love them niggas to death

    i'm drinkin' Hennessy

    while tryin' ta make it last

    I drank a 5th for that ass

    when you passed....

    cause life goes on


    Yeah nigga

    I got tha word as hell

    ya blew trial and tha judge gave you

    25 with an L

    time to prepare to do fed time

    won't see parole

    imagine life as a convict

    that's getten' old

    plus with tha drama

    we're lookin out for your babies mama

    taken risks, while keepin' cheap tricks from gettin on her...

    life in tha hood...

    is all good for nobody

    remember gamin' on dumb hoties at chill parties

    Me and you

    No true a two

    while scheming on hits

    and gettin tricks

    that maybe we can slide into

    but now you burried

    rest nigga

    cause I ain't worried

    eyes bluried

    sayin' goodbye at the cemetary

    tho' memories fade

    I got your name tated on my arm

    so we both ball till' my dying days

    before I say goodbye

    Kato, we're meant to rest in peace

    Thug till I die


    Bury me smilin'

    with G's in my pocket

    have a party at my funeral

    let every rapper rock it

    let tha hoes that I usta know

    from way before

    kiss me from my head to my toe

    give me a paper and a pen

    so I can write about my life of sin

    a couple bottles of Gin

    incase I don't get in

    tell all my people i'm a Ridah

    nobody cries when we die

    we outlaws

    let me ride

    until I get free

    I live my life in tha fast lane

    got police chasen me

    to my niggas from old blocks

    from old crews

    niggas that guided me through

    back in tha old school

    pour out some liquor

    have a toast for tha homies

    see we both gotta die

    but ya chose to go before me

    and brothas miss ya while your gone

    you left your nigga on his own

    how long we mourn

    life goes on...


    Life goes on homie

    gone on, cause they passed away

    Niggas doin' life

    Niggas doin' 50 and 60 years and s@%t

    I feel ya nigga, trust me

    I feel ya

    You know what I mean

    last year

    we poured out liquor for ya

    this year nigga, life goes on

    we're gonna clock now

    get money

    evade bitches

    evade tricks

    give players plenty space

    and basicaly just represent for you baby

    next time you see your niggas

    your gonna be on top nigga

    their gonna be like,

    'Goddamn, them niggas came up'

    that's right baby

    life goes on....

    and we up out this bitch

    hey Kato, Mental

    y'all niggas make sure it's popin' when we get up there

    don't front.


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