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Everything posted by burongdalag

  1. Hi babe, ano mga details mo, age, height, vs, nmilf/milf, complexion, services rates. Tnx

  2. Can you give me your details, age, height, vs, complexion, milf/nmilf. Service offerings. Can u send me pic without face cover?

  3. Ano ba details mo, age, height, vs, complexion, milf/ nmilf, service offerings and rates. Can i see your face?

  4. Hi Ms Malagu, pm me your services, tnx.

  5. Hi ano mga details mo, ageĀ  height, vitals, complexion, nmilf ka ba? Servjces rates?

  6. Mzta experience k Austria bro?

  7. Si Trina ng Mira spa cubao. Early 20"s, medyo chubby.

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