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Posts posted by huedotoh

  1. I can appreciate that most MPAs, GROs, and others of the trade live complicated lives, up to the point of losing some sanity in the process. Those who tough it out, can be cold. Either way, one cannot blame them for their reactions.


    I wish I had their strength though. I have a hot liking for an MP, and shedid open up to me that she has feelings for me. She supports her family down south. The family is the stumbling block because they actually fully depend on her for everything (tuition, food, city services, etc). Factor the family out, I won't have a problem taking this girl home, and likely send to college. I think I can get that faith that says she won't muss about at school. But that family thing, aiyah... I'll support her and her alone, but I won't spend any treasure on her family.

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