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Status Replies posted by pievo

  1. "Here's a condom... since you're acting like a d!ck, you might as well dress like one!"

    1. pievo


      bwahahaha!! epal kasi eh noh mC.. kung sino ka man ungas ka, hindi lahat ng babae dito sa MTC pwede mong bastusin! kumag!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. for those guys who keep on sending their PMs agn and again, wag nyo na ulitin, just READ BETWEEN the LINES. if for example, nagsend kayo and got no reply from me, it only means one thing, NOT INTERESTED. please respect it. sabi ko nga with my previous status, if you simply know how to READ WELL, baka nakakuha ka ng reply. give me a DAMNGOOD REASON why i should make a reply for you. ayt? :)

  3. bored...

    1. pievo


      @ maldita: pwede! lol


      @observer: kakasawa na kasi eh haha

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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