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Posts posted by forestcruiser

  1. I tried logging in back before the pandemic struck but the page seemed to have lost its original zest and vibrance (to my liking). Now peppered with spa topics....Sad to be ranked a newbie, but maybe because of the reboot.  Still had old messages from way back though...

    Joined in 2003, heard about this site from someone in mIRC...not really spending web times during those days as I just passed a licensure exam and had gotten a job...but after reading El Gimikero's article, I spend time lurking and hunting...haven't had any chances to join any EBs as I was in the province and just trying to make ends meet...I think 2003-2007 was the best of times the site had (my opinion only).  Anything under sun was being discussed on the page.  Till the law started casting and tightening their nets.

    I met quite a few in the page, some I'm still friends to this day.

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