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Posts posted by sixgears

  1. how can i get my husband to stop smoking?


    i've withheld sex, use sex as a reward, bribed, pleaded, cried, nagged, pinagrosario,

    used scare tactics, nicotine gums, patches, hypnosis, you name it, (kung me mahanap lang akong

    mangkukulam dito, ipapakulam ko siya to stop smoking) i've used all those to have him stop smoking.


    he stopped for a year then started again. he said it's due to his stressful job kaya mahirap sa kanyang

    mag quit. he's deployed in iraq now where everyone smokes and his job is quite stressful so he told me

    not to pressure him to quit right now.



    i'm really concern but i can't really push him to quit now esp the stress he's under.


    Haynaku ate L indi magki-quit yan hanggang indi ready, same with everything else. Yes stress is a good excuse and that's what drove me to smoke in the first place. You have to understand his situation. Meron akong pinsan. He was an athlete in high school and college and never picked up a cigarette until he joined the Army. He says it helps him stay awake during his watch. I'm assuming your hubby wants to quit eventually. Believe in him and most of all don't nag him - gentle reminders will do. LET YOUR KIDS DO THE NAGGING! :lol:

  2. I was a smoker for almost 20 years. Kung gusto mo talaga mag quit just don't pick up a cigarette again. Do it cold turkey so there won't be any excuses. There will always be adverse effects but if you really want to quit you will quit. No ifs, ands or buts about it. But you have to be motivated by something whether it be your health, job, image, etc. I was motivated to quit when I saw my young children trying to emulate me smoking a cigarette. That was the last time I ever smoked.

  3. To the person looking for cheap shoes to walk long distances in. Unless they're super comfortable (such as sneakers) I have yet to encounter any cheap footwear that you would be able to walk long distances in. It's your feet. Don't you think they deserve something better? Just my $0.02. :)

  4. As I've said before whatever works. :thumbsupsmiley:


    IMHO systems like that are useful in their own way because it gives people a no-nonsense routine to follow. I myself am just being realistic. Pilipino tayo and ang number one food para sa atin ay KANIN! I don't think I've ever sat down and contemplated eating 3 1/2 ounces of chicken breast or attempted to ingest flaxseed oil. For me and for the majority of our brethren, again, it's just not realistic. And for people with certain ailments such as diabetes, heart conditions, etc. it may not even be an option. Healthy living is about changing our lifestyle and getting rid of bad habits. But in order to make that a realistic change we have to incorporate what we already have and enjoy instead of changing everything all at once. Again just my $0.02. :)

  5. this one was hilarious...:lol:


    Grats G-men! Your defense won it for you and the Pats D didn't play 60 minutes...ironic...


    Next season will be a new season...hopefully the Pats can move on and be the onslaught they were at the start of this season...


    They are inching closer though...'05 = divisional playoff loss, '06 = AFC championship loss, '07 = Super Bowl loss....'08 = ??? :rolleyes:


    i just hope people won't hate me coz im a Pats fan...


    We're not hating! :D just hate the arrogance until the big crash to earth. better luck next year is what I say. :)

  6. 30 to 45 mins cardio??? 15 mins of interval training will burn more calories, plus your body will burn calories all through out the day. 30 to 45 mins of traditional running, brisk walking is a thing of the past..



    go with what works bro. if that works for you more power to you. i'm just stating fact and what has been proven time and time again and I speak from my own experience. i love it when people talk about the new fad but after a while they all pretty much die down.


    when i start seeing elite athletes such as boxers, basketball players even golfers do these fad exercises and diets and show results maybe i'll jump on the bandwagon otherwise i'll stick to what's enjoyable and what works. which reminds me, I have to hit my taebo and my step class later on! :lol: :rolleyes: :lol:

  7. WOWWW! I didn't know that about Gatorade/Powerade. Congrats koya! :thumbsupsmiley:


    I do a combined cardio/strength workouts at home, 7 days a week. Cut down on my rice intake and eliminated sodas from my diet.

    I'm seeing favorable results...slowly but surely. It's really a lifestyle change and know that what you take in, you have to work out.

    So kung naparami ang kain ko, I work out extra hard that night. Find a workout that you enjoy; be it walking, biking, hiking, lifting weights.

    I wasted money on gym membership that I never used. I just don't feel comfortable and I find excuses not to go. But now that I work out

    at the comforts of my home, I've eliminated those excuses not to work out. And constantly challenging yourself to a longer or more advance, rigourous,

    workout gives you that self confidence that you've achieved something and you just keep moving forward towards your goal.


    Kaya naman pala ... :evil: :lol: :evil:


    A lot of people think there's a magic pill or a magic formula for weight loss. Dalawa lang naman yan eh. Either you work out or go under the knife and get it sucked out. Either way, no pain no gain. :lol:


    For me the lifestyle change was easy because I only had to make a choice; either live or die. I'm type-II diabetic. But the same goes for everyone albeit not that extreme, although the end result can be just as devastating. You might not develop diabetes but there are other diseases that are far more worst. Either way the choice is yours. :)

  8. uu nga hirap...magpaliit ng belly dati nagsisitup ako..pero nung tumigil parang mas bumilis paglaki ng tiyan ko


    You can do a thousand sit-ups a day but if you don't control your caloric and fat intake you won't see the results that you truly want.


    Key to losing the flab around the midsection is to do cardio. Nothing too complex. Start with brisk walking for three weeks 30-45 minutes per day 3-4 times a week. If you want to speed up the burn, start jogging. Also, limit your carb intake during meals, 1 1/2 cups of rice if you must. Complex carbs are best (whole wheat, brown rice). Avoid anything made with white flour if possible. Beer and carbonated softdrinks are ab killers. Switch to iced tea if you can't stand drinking non-flavored drinks but water is still the best. Avoid energy drinks such as Gatorade, etc. unless you're performing truly strenuous exercise such as long distance running, etc. These drinks are designed to replenish lost electrolytes during strenuous activity and give you an energy boost by providing simple sugars that your body can digest fairly quickly. If these sugars are not used up they turn into fat.


    I went from a size 36-38 to a size 33-34 in less than 4 months. :thumbsupsmiley:

  9. but seriously, in between Mercury Morris' endless bragging, he made one very important point---it's just too damn hard to go undefeated.

    to their credit, the Pats had an amazing season---breaking records, winning games big, winning games they weren't supposed to win etc. of course none of that means much now.

    it's just too bad---for the Pats and their fans---that they didn't get to win it and have the fairytale ending they wanted, middle finger defiantly raised for all to see.


    btw, re: assholes---that's what Bill calls his guys. he uses it on his favorite unit (the defensive line) "affectionately".


    To top it all off Belichik is a sore loser as seen in the closing seconds of the Superbowl and ESPN called him on it yesterday. :D


    Bill Belichik is a defensive-minded coach and he's one of the best in the game. But, for chrissakes you have to take control of your whole team in a game of this magnitude and not just be in a huddle with your defense all the time. He probably didn't even know what was going on with the game every time his offense took the field. Thank god for his coaches in the box and thank god for that headset! :lol:

  10. the Giants winning scares the hell out of me .. it kinda negates the cry of mcnabb and westbrook for a few more playmakers on either side of the ball .... if the Giants can win w/o probably the best running back the giants ever had in tiki ... management can say "the current squad should have no excuses.. and if a couple of close games turned the other way it couldve been the eagles in the big game"


    my question to NFL fans .. will you still rank these Patriots as the best ever? if not who will you oput in front of them?


    It just goes to show you that football is a team sport. From a Giants perspective they had the best running back for a couple of seasons in Tiki Barber - that didn't work. They had the best tight end in Jeremy Shockey - that doesn't work. The team only came together when there were no STARS, just a bunch of guys who worked hard fighting to prove that they could do it. You could certainly make the argument that Eli is now a star but I will beg to differ; he's a leader, and that's what this team needed.


    Are the Pats the best ever - a big resounding NO. If they won maybe you can make that argument because they would have been 19-0 and no team was able to stand up to them. Would've, could've, should've. :rolleyes:


    I'll take the 10-6 record + being Superbowl Champions any day over 18-1! :hypocritesmiley:

  11. My hat's off to the Patriots. They are still a great team - winning all their games in the regular season is a feat in and of itself. No one choked. It was just a daunting task in facing a relentless Giants defense. But, I think the Giants were also losing a bit of steam there at the end and the humidity not helping any either. All in all it was one of the most memorable Superbowls in recent memory. This one's a keeper. :D

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