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Status Updates posted by ForeverSummer

  1. : SPAIN v Germany :)

    1. sharkeysmachine


      Go for Spain, but after watching Germany defeated England and Argentina convincingly, this will be a great match..

    2. Guest


      your so cute

  2. : SPAIN vs Brazil in the finals. :D Viva, Espana!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. male_spud


      spain is through!

    3. jersey53carlos


      it will be spain and brazil i think, yeah japan loss its quite unfortunate for the miss shot

      hi summer are you in south africa now?

    4. male_spud


      i still think a germany/brazil final is the best scenario

  3. ABC12345, for tonight, I can only help you with get access to Encore, Manor, Members Only, Icon, and LAX. I don't like Guilly's.

  4. Absolute destruction, absolutely.

  5. AMBOYINMANILA, not at all. Get the ball rolling.

    SAM SPADE, nothing spectacular, but it wasn't so bad either. How was yours?

    BURNS888, Luzon, Viz, or Mindanao?

  6. Any new adventures? Hmmn, good girls don't tell. Haha. Anyway, good night, sweets.

  7. BURNS, changed my mind. ;D

  8. Burns888, I have previously (shamelessly) posted a photo of my fat face. I think that was sometime last month.

  9. Burns888, just 501? ;p

    koki_ph, you're welcome, sweetheart.

    kempaf, you seriously need to update your pickup line. Haha. :D

    ekips, ggrr back at ya.

    pediasoft, nah, I just like wearing baseball caps.

  10. Burns888, original plan was to just approve requests from people who I actually have real conversations with. However, tonight, I was like, what the heck, just approve all of them.

  11. Burns888, you haven't seen much. Haha.

    Sam Spade, why, thank you, love. :)

  12. CBESTONACTOR, that's not the way to ask for a lady's number. Well, I dunno how exactly. But I'm quite certain it involves some thinking.

    MHERZUNFUFU, I will. You have a great weekend, too. :)

    KABAYOKIDS, hello, KK.

  13. Coron, El Nido, or Puerto Princesa?

  14. Crazy status! Hahaha.

  15. DADURTYIZZO, being called ma'am makes me feel old. Good afternoon. :)

  16. DARKEINJEL, nothing is more flattering than a compliment from a lady. Thanks, sunshine. :)

    PERVERTO, won't have it any other way. :) Have an awesome weekend, too!

  17. DGUY202000, *rolls eyes*

    PERVERTO, stay forever. ;)

  18. dguy202000, don't I always have fun?

  19. dguy202000, I read it. There's something missing - The Buildup. It's too straightforward. As a reader, I was like "fukcing already?" and I wasn't even feeling your story, yet. But that's just me.

  20. dguy202000, last thing, be consistent with the tenses! Loggin out now. Good night, everyone. :)

  21. dguy202000, once again, allow me applaud the creative audacity.

    Orete, I dunno what to say. Thanks, I guess. ;p

  22. dguy202000, shut the effin eff up. ;p

  23. dguy202000, the "With the number of times she called for God, I think she found religion" made me smile while the "I guess having my hot cum on her tits got her hot two" got me scratching my head. Proofread!

  24. G'morning, sweetheart. Hope you're havin' a kickass weekend. ;)

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