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Posts posted by Roadrunner

  1. Sagada brings back memories of my younger and free-wheeling days. Best backpacking destination for me in the Cordilleras, where I learned to drink gin rather than coffee for breakfast during chilly January mornings. Where I danced to the gongs into the wee hours of New Year's Day after rounds of gin and rice wine with the hospitable locals. Where I shared cramped hostel rooms with foreigners my age (and the ladies casually undressed themselves to change in my presence). Where I found so many quiet corners to contemplate life, love and career. Those days!

  2. Exes, hmmmm...


    My first GF, the only one I had in high school, has long since gotten married and is now a senior officer in a major bank. One daughter. We renewed our friendship six years ago. Nothing between us at all, being older and wiser now. Met the husband too.


    A serious college/post-college GF has since moved to the US, married there and gotten widowed sometime ago. No kids. Kept in touch occasionally and met her for dinner a few months ago during a trip.


    Another college GF had also migrated to the US after getting married to a pinoy immigrant. Three kids. I'm also occasionally in touch with her.


    Burning bridges was never my suit.

  3. Shifted to a diesel rig almost two years ago. Operating costs lower and more power for the buck. I add in enough coconut methyl ester every visit to the service station to run on 5% biodiesel blend. No smoke, better fuel burn and mileage and almost as fast as a gas vehicle on flat roads.

  4. Women to avoid? Refer to statement below:


    "I do not discriminate against, or am I intolerant of, people on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, economic standing, educational attainment, entertainment preferences, fashion sense, physical abilities/disabilities, weight and body type, or political beliefs; it's the really stupid and ill-mannered ones I can't stand."


    Enough said. B)

  5. This may sound far out but does anyone know of a VC branch where you can comfortably fit a vehicle as big as a Ford F150 or Expedition in the garage? I drive a pick-up and there's hardly any allowance between my tailgate and the door when it's dropped down. :P

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