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Posts posted by cherry_bourbon

  1. I was looking for a thread on dermatology but this was the closest one I could find.


    I have a problem with my facial skin. The skin under the corners of my bottom lip is significantly darker than thesurrounding skin. It is also dry and scaly in texture and the patches see to be spreading.

    I have already tried exfoliating but it doesn’t work.


    I look like I just had a very messy meal and it makes my face look dirty and untidy.


    Does anybody have any idea what this might be? And how to cure it?


    Thanks for any help you can give me.

  2. I opened my eyes and saw them, dozens of them, racing past me. They moved at different speeds towards different directions but they were all moving like they knew what they were doing. Some of them started alone and the fell into step with the others. One had a briefcase in one hand a tennis shoe on the other. He met the gaze of a girl whose arm was in a cast and whose hair was longer on one side than the other. She took the shoe and he put the briefcase on her head and they hooked a right a few yards past me. Then came a little boy of about nine, spinning a flapjack on the palm of his hand. What's going on? I ask him and he looks at me and throws the flapjack on the ground. He springs aboard a passing lady's back and rides with her somewhere in the direction of the setting sun. She looks back at me and I notice that one of her eyes was blue. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and it is a girl about my age and she asks if I have change for a fegburth. A what? A fegburth and she looks at me like I was retarded. She holds out her palm to me and opens it, on her palm was a small object the size of a thimble. It was metal and was shaped like a bean. It vibrated and pulsed a slight pinkish color as she breathed. DO you have change for THIS? She prompted, sounding just the slightest bit impatient. No, I said truthfully, for what item do I possibly have that could be a fair exchange? She moved on, tossing her fegburth casually over her shoulder, where it fell to the ground, tuned a vivid purple and melted into the concrete. A few blinks later it was gone.


    I though of joining this exodus to nowhere, but it felt too much like a betrayal of the spot of loneliness I have known so well

  3. Sustenance...


    We used to use the term loosely, haphazardly, giving no mind to the meaning.


    But now I understand that you do sustain me in every sense of the word.


    You nourish me, keep me sane, drive me crazy, make me laugh or have tears come into my eyes with the simplest, gentlest gestures that you make. I am grateful. So much that when it dawns on me that you are part of my life i have to restrain myself from checking if it's really true. i look up and see you and you wave or smile or call out my name and i am reassured.


    I can't believe i have you. and i do not know what i was doing before i did.


    maybe I'm acting this way because it's been so long since i had any real friends. too long to count, too long than i dare to remember. too long when all i could see was her and all i had was her that i had given up hope or want to be with someone else.


    but here you are and i am grateful.


    i still can't shake the feeling that i will lose you anytime soon. i know you said you'd stay, but i get this crazy notion that you will want to go sooner or later and i can't blame you. you won't hear anything from me except how happy i am that you're finally getting to do what you want. but i shall miss you so, as though a part of my soul has been displaced, for i shall be left alone to tread the dull, echoing chamber that is this place.


    i love you.


    you make me feel like i can screw up and it's still gonna be okay.

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