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Status Replies posted by cherry_bourbon

  1. I'll be online until the work day ends today. It's gonna be a looooong day. Keep me company?? Add me up on YM. Address is on my profile on the left.

    1. cherry_bourbon


      change of plans. turns out I have to go on an out-of-office mission. :)


  2. Hi guys. My blog is gone. and so are my yahoo and gmail accounts. A few other people iat my office have been similarly attacked and we are still trying to figure out who is behind this. I do not feel up to creating a new blog anytime soon, as you know, I was very attached to that one :(. Thank you so much to everyone who dropped by and read my nonsense.

    1. cherry_bourbon


      Ikaw pala ang salarin! :) Haha, no apologies needed. s@%t happens. Thanks for reading.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi guys. My blog is gone. and so are my yahoo and gmail accounts. A few other people iat my office have been similarly attacked and we are still trying to figure out who is behind this. I do not feel up to creating a new blog anytime soon, as you know, I was very attached to that one :(. Thank you so much to everyone who dropped by and read my nonsense.

    1. cherry_bourbon


      I know. I'm so furious!! Nakakapanghina. :( What sucks more is that both my email accounts are gone.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Thanks to everyone who dropped by today!! A new BLOG post is up. Short and sweet. See ya soon! :)

  5. "don't let fear steal your funk!" -- marshall eriksen

  6. New BLOG entry up. ka-senti-han. Skip if you have an aversion to mush. :)

  7. New Blog header picture! hahah! ambabaw ng update... lemme know what you guys think! :)

    1. cherry_bourbon


      BTW po, I fixed the comments settings so pwede na po mag-leave ng comments without logging in. Salamat! :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. is thinking green

    1. cherry_bourbon


      hi! i just checked my profile after months of being away from mtc and I saw that you sent me a birthday greeting. THANK YOU!! so sweet of you... :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. i've missed MTC. am going to resuscitate my account.

    1. cherry_bourbon


      @bigboy85 aka AJ - i appreciate your honesty. :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. i've missed MTC. am going to resuscitate my account.

    1. cherry_bourbon


      @Buguy and @eliasjose - thanks for adding me!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. i've missed MTC. am going to resuscitate my account.

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