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Posts posted by snakeyes1979

  1. I came upon a rock one day,


    As among those hills I roamed


    And sat upon it and pondered


    Why some things have to be alone.



    Its granite face, its mossy folds,


    The lichen on its myriad holes,


    Tell me that time ravaged it so.


    That water has fallen and flowed,


    That he cold has bitten and


    the wind has gnawed,


    That the heat has come and all told


    Its face has become smoother----


    And it was there alone….



    I came upon some other rock,


    That erosion has torn from its place


    Upon the earth’s bosom;


    And this one was among many others


    Which were too doomed---


    To a life rolling upon each other


    Down the abyss….



    To hung forever upon the precipice,


    To move when the rain must fall,


    To constantly ramble till it has found


    A place to rest?



    And its face is so scratched, so gnarled,


    Not even moss or lichen upon it,


    Not even a flower to speak of ---


    All it has are cracks and splintered facets,


    To tell of the race ---


    Down the precipice….



    Happiness is now a place where


    People want to go,


    Where the rocks would rest or water flow,


    And loneliness is not in being alone,


    It is in forever rolling on…



    Only to be identified with epochs and ages,


    With nothing to show for individuality’s sake,


    But people must forever go---


    Down the prepice….



    But the happy ones will be left up there,


    For happiness is being with yourself---


    A loneliness is a crowd.

  2. I choose to love you in silence


    For in my silence I find no rejection


    I choose to love you in my loneliness


    For in my loneliness, no one owns you but I,


    I choose to admire you from a distance


    ‘coz the distance shields us both from pain,


    I choose to imprison you in my thoughts


    For in my thoughts I give you freedom


    I choose to kiss you in the wind


    ‘coz the wind is more gentle than my lips,


    I choose to touch you only in my dreams


    For in my dreams, there is no end.

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