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Takeshi Kovac

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Status Updates posted by Takeshi Kovac

  1. What do I do to last another 3+ weeks of this?

  2. "Trust is earned, respect is given, loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of one of those is to lose all three"

  3. The great adventure begins!!

  4. Just looking for things to enjoy where ever I can find them

  5. Time for Try Outs and Renewals...

  6. Heres to a December thats better than November

  7. " Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when shared"

  8. Just going through the motions

  9. " Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends " - Abraham Lincoln

  10. Life's a bitch, and then you die

  11. If I can have just one dance with you, I will pick one where the song never ends

  12. I am still amazed why some people still think everyone should be like them or fit their expectations



      Visiy me here in roadstar makati ..

  13. Isn't it strange that it will irritate you to do something you were going to do anyway, simply because someone who had no right to, ordered you to do it.

  14. "If I love you, what business is it of yours?" Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

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