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Status Updates posted by vhoynextdoor

  1. hello there Sugar! i'm planning to visit u at the soonest! ;-p

  2. hello there Sugar! ;-p

  3. pa-HELP sugar! I'm kind of confused now... cnu ba pipiliin ko when I pay a visit again sa K2? :-p

  4. hello there sugar! yep, will visit KS2 soon.. :-p

  5. @bunny_giiiiirl.... wushuuuu gnun ba un, more than a week kung mkalimot? anu gngwa ng YM? hayyzt... i'm stil waiting dun sa promis mo..

  6. haha.. tinanong tlga e noh!? bsta ba u'll make me happy e i'll visit you at the soonest.. uhm bkit kailan mo ba ko gsto pmunta jan? papaligayahin mo ba ko?! haha ;-p

  7. hello din sugar! hope u're doing good. :)

  8. hello din 4season ;-p

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