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Status Updates posted by rigger05


  2. You had one lousy guy, but does that affect your mindset in some of the MTC guys?

  3. Love reading your FR's, on how you being an open minded and talking about your fantasies.

    Your BF is lucky and he can be laid anytime he want.

    But have you ever done it behind his back. Have you tried doing it with another. Or just a fantasy of yours.

    Sorry but I'm just amazed bout you being open minded

  4. Hi cherry. Love to have a shot of cherry bourbon.

  5. It's sad talaga to see your partner and not feel the same way you use to be.

    Better tell him, and have a conversation. Set some things and find new things that both of you will enjoy

  6. Hey dimples you need to relax and think about what you'll do about your current bf. If he's in a rush and so eager to do it with you, it only means that he only want your body, but if she said that he's willing to wait it's a good sign that he loves you that much that he respects your decisions. You need to see how he react on every decision you do.

  7. Yes Dimples. We can go to a spa, but I prefer to be the one to give you a relaxing massage. Or what ever you want.

  8. I think you need a massage and a good companion. a good conversation during or after the massage is adds to the relaxing session.

    Hope you see my point.....

  9. Are you what I am thinking of?

  10. Sorry just want catch your attention. Your quite popular knowing that you only have 1 encounter with 1 MTC member. Your FR's are also catchy. Even if you only post a few.

    Just admiring your open mindedness hope I can be of help one day. Or if not just have a coffee and talk/ share our fantasies.

  11. There are times that you need to sacrifice the things that makes you happy

  12. belated Happy Birthhday

  13. Just passing by to see you

  14. And I think you always think of compatibility. You dont want to take risk. Your an OCOC

  15. So no, one date with me will not get you laid. Even 2-5 dates. You need to build it. You need to make me want you. You need to get me all heated up and aroused that the thought of f#&king you would be the only thing on my mind. Sad thing is. Your posting in MTC. And the GM's here are quite inpatient. One nighter is a common thing here. I dont know. but for me. this is were BF come in ha...

  16. REGETS!!!! It happen when you do something that you must not. Playing with fire and being hurt in the process.

    Well just want to tell you that H does ring a bell to me. And quite music to my ears when a girl say this

  17. Good to know that your getting along with some of the GM's. Hope I can be the 2nd MTC member.

  18. Hope I can be the 7th MTC member. Waiting...........

  19. Naughtiness can be a good medium in going on with your life. Sure we can relate to that. But the question is can you relate to us?

  20. Just dropping by, hope I can be the 11th MTC memeber

  21. Hey namamasko po din

  22. Hi HC, It's been a while. Nasa ibang country ka na ba?

  23. "Ordinary Girl" or Girl Next Door. I think your quite cute for an Ordinary girl.

  24. Are you what i am thinking? or is it not? Quite have a broad word in your signature. "your love is good but I need cash". Can you elaborate more. mon_perez05@yahoo.com

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