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Status Updates posted by ambidextrous00

  1. ever wanting

    1. mhardkaksonlee4u


      Any YM or FB/FS account? interested..wanna mit up?thanx!

  2. ever wanting

    1. spakoolski


      can i mit you and spend tym wid you hot chick


    2. yamadasan


      you look hot.

  3. haha, true. let him be. he'll find someone who'll f#&k him for his money.

    we still haven't had the chance to talk. why are you never online when i am?

  4. has discovered the joy of sporcling. a mentally stimulating diversion ü

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. mcruzzin


      hi there care to converse with, you please dont hesitate to say something, dont worry im harmless and ill assure you that, hoping for quick response, thanks

    3. rastaman2012
    4. rastaman2012
  5. has finally been reunited with her guitar. so ngayon papagurin ko ang kamay/daliri ko...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bedcreature


      hey can you pm your number , maybe we could share thoughts and mmm?...sometimes...thanks

    3. bedcreature


      hey can you pm your number , maybe we could share thoughts and mmm?...sometimes...thanks

    4. frusciante


      wow...good for you picking up your guitar :)..how long hav eyou been playing?

  6. hi wet wet wet... coffee?? hehe dito ko nag comment. bakit kaya hindi sa page mo haha

  7. hi, i would like to take you out sometime, pm me. money is not an issue.


  8. i am not for hire. and if i were i doubt you can afford me @innova2011.

    cbestonactor, im sorry but i dont just give out my number to random people online. no offense. its not you, its me. :D

  9. i have never. do you love shoes? lets meet up! hahahaha

  10. i like the chucks better..should i not? lol but i love my heels the most.

  11. i should give you a massage one of these days. may special service pa. hahaaha

  12. insatiable.

    1. magnuz


      Song was nice... hehehe...

    2. don1uan



      ur kinda cute.

      i just had to know you.

  13. insatiable

    1. cHinitababe86


      elo :)

      passing by. *hug*

    2. Guest


      saan k work?mkabcta 1 tym

    3. hardnuff187


      hi holla @ me ym: hiphop_baby187@y.c

  14. is in need. *winks*

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ambidextrous00


      << taray haahahha

    3. ambidextrous00


      gusto ko sa people are people or charles and keith :D wala ko masyadong nakikitang maganda sa payless

    4. rallie_art


      answer my pm and sure enough i will lend a hand

  15. it IS weird we never catch each other online. :( and i so wanna know s@%t about you. pag napadpad ka sa south, lemme know ;)

  16. lol muka ba kong product lang ng imagination ng kung sinong pontio pilato? haha ang totoo nyan lalake ako nagpapanggap lang akong babae

  17. lookin for m (and/or f) for a possible menage a trois.. *evil grin*

  18. oh its coelho. haahah...

    these people added you? hha ning, these are the same people that has added me. hahaha...

    i know their type. haha

  19. re:your comment:

    I beg to disagree ... What is between the ears is very much more important ... je je je flowers fade sooner, the fruits of the mind sometimes endures forever.

    i value great sex. so sexual prowess, intellectual substance? 50% 50% for me.

  20. slurp hahahahaha pasalubong ko na camel ah? **wink**

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