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Posts posted by niteripper

  1. I did fall in love to a GRO, live with her and we had a kid i did everything possible to keep that but eventually we separated its a long story its so complicated, but now im in love with a psp here in mtc she said she loves me and i believe her, i respect her trust her with all my heart i may be dumb or stupid to you people but i do love her, i just pray and be good because im miles away from the Philippines, maybe someday if the time is right and we still love each other i will marry her, i promise myself to be good not only for her but for myself.

    I'm here to work for my future and if ever your still around and waited for me it would be one of my greatest achievement on why im here in the first place.


    I just pray and let God's plan takes its place, you know who you are and i love you truly, i will always be here for you i just wish i can prove to you and make you believe that my love for you is true and im not playing games or anything.


    To the guy who is in Canada and who is in love with a mpa i bow my head and want to shake you hand, i wish you both the best dont mind what other people say just be strong and hold on to what you believe no one can dictate your future it is you who makes your own.


    --- my respect to you guys. i fell in love with a woman who's a member here. she told me she doesn't love me anymore after we had sex. damn it. she left hanging/

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