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Status Updates posted by steadyelmo

  1. Needs to unwind and re focus...

  2. Did i just step into the darkside?

  3. I dont understand girls who demand a lot from you but do you honestly think you desrve what you're asking for?

  4. Time to stand up for what should be...

  5. Thanks for passing by babyanne

  6. Would you pursue your dream career or a career that will give you financial stability?

  7. Thank God it's Friday...

  8. Needs a chill pill and a vacation...

  9. What would you do if you have less than a minute to live?

  10. Note to self: Bawal ang stress

  11. If you stand for anything, you'll fall for everything...

  12. Note to self: Always bring an extra shirt and an umbrella during the rainy season. #ihatebeingwetallday

  13. Weekend relaxation...

  14. Mid week meetings; wishing the weekend would come faster

  15. Guess it's time for something new,,,

  16. If you demand change from the people around you; better start with yourself...

  17. Lazy Thursday... Bed weather = cuddle mode

  18. Singapore here I come!

  19. Fresh start of the week, guess it's time for some new flavor...

  20. Looking forward to the weekend... good times!

  21. And this is how Manila welcomes me back... stressful traffic! #uncool

  22. And this is how Manila welcomes me back... stressful traffic! #uncool

  23. Peace of mind isn't too much to ask... time to relax

  24. Bored on a weekend...

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