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Status Updates posted by steadyelmo

  1. Morning! Have a good day!

  2. hi babyanne... how's your day?

  3. Ey celp! How are you?

  4. needs to relax from work

    1. Lexiiiii
    2. steadyelmo


      hopefully tomorrow...

    3. juliana


      sorry iba na nmber na gamit ko tawagan mko dito 09279747170 importante

  5. Time to stand up for what should be...

  6. want me to give you a massage?

  7. Your inbox is quite full... hmmm

  8. How are you? Hope things are going well for you and your family...

  9. Interested in meeting up?

  10. I dont understand girls who demand a lot from you but do you honestly think you desrve what you're asking for?

  11. Ey there! Love your naughty nature...

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