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Status Updates posted by steadyelmo

  1. A cold beer and your warm embrace is all I need

  2. Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what could be...

  3. Always refreshing to hear from an old friend. It's been a while. Good times

  4. And this is how Manila welcomes me back... stressful traffic! #uncool

  5. And this is how Manila welcomes me back... stressful traffic! #uncool

  6. Another chapter in my life has been added...

    1. shhhhhh


      may it give you wonderful memories :)

    2. steadyelmo
  7. Bed weather is making it real hard to get out of bed...

  8. Been busy with work... a bit stressed but still doing great. You?

  9. bitin from an afternoon delight? hmmm think i need one as well

  10. bitin from? hmmm

  11. Bored and this heat isn't helping...

  12. Bored on a weekend...

  13. Cant send you messages via your inbox...

  14. Cant sleep... don't know why

  15. Couldn't stand the heat anymore... must give in

    1. steadyelmo


      Hmmm and what could that be dear?

  16. Craving for something new...

  17. Crushing on you big time... damn

  18. Crushing on you big time... damn

  19. Crushing on you big time...

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