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JayZip last won the day on September 6 2012

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    Toys. Ages 6-14.

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  1. Ayt Cinephiles time to revive the age old question - Plasma or LED TV??? I just thought its was a timely topic because I bought a 60" Plasma Panasonic Viera ST60 and a 55" LED Vizio M-Series (M551d-a2r) last Black Friday (DISCLAIMER: I'm not rich, IT WAS JUST TIME LOL) and seriously both were really good buys. I'm a Plasma guy and buying the Panasonic ST-60 was a no brainer (only TV that has a 5-star rating) and at the same time I thought that the Vizio M551d-a2r was better (and cheaper) than its Samsung and LG counterparts. Plus, for your info, Plasma king Panasonic will stop producing Plasma TV's next year leaving Samsung and LG the only other choice for Plasma lovers which sucks basically LOL. I know there are 401k TV's out in the market as well but I think it will take some time for their prices to come down to be realistically "available" for mass consumption so I'm not including them in the comparison. So for argument's sake, I'm gonna start the discussion by saying that nothing can beat PLASMA TVs. So man up (or girl up), choose and defend your answer!
  2. right now: LEVY TRAN!!! (thats La Vie to you!) http://fkn-famous.com/2011/06/fkn-hotties-levy-tran/ http://twitter.com/MissLevy http://saylevy.tumblr.com/
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