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Posts posted by canonuser



    Mabuhay tayong lahat!



    JGC! i knew there would be a lot of people here who would disagree with me but i'm actually glad that you decided to reply to my posting.

    people like you do make me proud to be a Filipino unfortunately there are just so few people out there like you who would really REALLY want to make a difference without any hidden agendas.


    i shared the same opinions you had once and actually thought i could make a difference unfortunately there are just so many things that made me change my position.


    I hope i am wrong but i guess its easier for you here because as you've said you look "foreign" and a sad fact of the philippine culture is that majority of the people here look up to caucasians.


    I would like to point out a situation which a good friend experienced.....

    just a back ground on my friend... she's an artist who graduated from UP.....one of the smartest, most creative person i know, she's small, dark and looks a bit exotic. but not in a bad way of course.

    anyway she was denied entry inside a resto within greenbelt because according to the guard and the manager, the resto had a dress code to follow and that she was wearing slippers.


    unfortunately we saw foreigners and fair skinned mestizas inside that same resto havin a meal who are in shorts, undershirts and slippers. we pointed this out to the manager and the guard but they just simply said "pasensya na bawal talaga" labo di ba?

    my point is that, its hard to be proud to be a filipino nowadays when Filipinos get discriminated by Filipinos. gets?


    anyway i'm not here to argue im just trying to point out some small things why im not soo proud to be one anymore.


    peace bro! and like what you've said...... mabuhay!

  2. i would like to believe that its always better to stay here. but with how things are going.... I just can't see any hope for this country anymore.


    and seriously i now regret staying and being idealistic.... when i had the chance to leave a few years ago.

  3. i used to have been so proud to be a filipino... and never have i imagined that i would want to live or work anywhere else outside the country.


    but sad to say all that has changed now. a lot of pinoys are claiming that they are proud to be a filipino and that we get upset whenever some foreigner makes negative remarks about our country and race but guys open your eyes! how can u say your proud to be one..... when we see everyone throwing out garbage everywhere, filipinos pissing just about anywhere.


    corruption, garbage, crab mentality,majority of our people tend to think that they are always right and that they are above anyone else....politicians with their convoys, hell even the jeepney driver thinks that they own the streets and when s@%t happens everyone points his / her pfinger to another and no one seems to accept responsibility.


    honestly i am no longer proud to be one.

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