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Posts posted by CerebralScorpion

  1. I believe that is the most practical reasoning to keep them alive without using what is set as the 'god-moral' in the exercise you stated. You get the same end result as a government who makes decisions based on their conscience instead of what is logical.


    I don't personally buy this line of thinking myself, but one needs to work within the confines of a given scenario of course.

  2. This, without a god moral code, is indeed a practical solution. However, personally, I would only keep around a thousand for research purposes. Keeping more than that, I believe, is superfluous. Using the SICK for cheap labor is not cost effective.


    In the given situation, there is always a use for everyone, even those who are so sick that they can no longer move. The 'make them work the fields' is just one thing they can do, which is why I also added 'or something'.


    Those who can work, will work in isolation, it does not even need to be hard labor. Those who are not able to work anymore, will be cared for and given everything they need. Why? A nation is most productive if their citizen are happy. If the people see that their government cares for all of them, even to those dying of AIDS, they will work harder for their country.


    One can always find something practical to do with a person as long as they live.

  3. I would not k*ll everyone with HIV in order to curb the spread of the disease, since those people can still contribute to society. Quarantine them and let them work the fields or something, away from the rest of the population so they can't infect anyone else, but at the same time contribute something for the betterment of everybody else.


    Killing them is the simple solution, but most of the times, the simple solution is wasteful.

  4. I miss staying up late at night, lying on top of my dad's car and just watching the clear night sky, trying to count the stars dancing across the heavens. I also miss walking in the rain, looking up and letting it lay kisses on my face, not worrying about getting all of my stuff soaked :) Life feels so simple back then.

  5. I started reading Anne Rice - the first five books of her vampire articles is such a sensual read. Unfortunately, it started going down hill from there. Went on to read Clancy, then Tolkien and Robert Jordan. Tried reading the blockbusters of the last couple of years (Dan Brown, Stephenie Meyer, and Rowling), and unfortunately, found them far behind the talent of those earlier authors - except for Rowling who I must admit wasn't that completely bad.


    Looking forward to read a work by a new writer who can hold a candle to the oldies when it comes to story-telling.

  6. If you really want to get a person's number whilst in a jeep (or any type of public transpo) it will never hurt your chances if you smile a little. Also, if you are not getting off just yet, why not strike up a conversation first, before asking for a number. But I guess the most important factor would be to just feel confident about doing it - confidence (or the lack of it) always shows.

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