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Status Updates posted by moodywriter

  1. Thank you for making me feel desirable again. :)

  2. Thank you for the greeting.

    I really appreciate these exchanges of comments. However, you could send me a PM, you know. Easier to track the convo that way.

  3. Thank you for the the comment. :)

  4. Thanks Daddy Drew!

  5. Thanks Ryaneski!

  6. The day of moving is today. I don't know how to start. I haven't even called a lipat -bahay service. :(

    1. moodywriter


      I need a knight in shining pick up truck.

  7. Thinkin' of posting another once-in-a-blue-moon d2b photo. This is crazy but this is the only revenge I can do.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. moodywriter


      Yeah yeah... heard that several times last Saturday. And thanks for last Sat. I enjoyed the convo.

    3. 8387


      please do. happy camper here.

    4. moodywriter


      I'm not feelin' crazy at the moment.

  8. Through messages? With a good conversation, of course.

  9. To post or not to post?

    1. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      To be or not to be, that is the question.

  10. Today's wish: a guy best friend I can call on when I want to drink or when I need an emergency date, who will not try and hit on me. Just pure wholesome fun.

  11. When do I get my grand love story?

  12. Why I wish on a shooting star: If it were not true and I make a wish, I'd lose nothing. But if it were true and I don't make a wish, I would have had lost my chance.

    1. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      i don't remember jiminy cricket saying something like that. *wink*

  13. Will I post the photos or not? hmmm...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dong Manobo

      Dong Manobo

      If you're happy with it no matter what happens. go ahead. :)

    3. moodywriter


      LOL I don't know if I will be happy by doing that. Therefore, I shouldn't.

    4. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      for curiosity's sake, post 'em.

  14. Woosah... I am happy no matter what. I love my job.

  15. Wow... back after 2 years...

  16. Wow... Happy New Year too and belated happy birthday!

  17. Yes, I am too self-absorbed. It's a hard pill to swallow.

  18. Yes, I have moved to a new apartment. It's a lot smaller but I like the place very much. Except that finding places to eat is not that easy.

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